Friday, April 30, 2010

[BirdPhotoIndia] Confirm the ID Please

Dear all

I have seen this bird, today morning at my backyard garden which is at Kalitala near Thakurpukur.

I just got few seconds to capture, unable to take the full length snap. It was about 30 cm long and bit heavy body and after noticed me it's just hided behind the leaves of dewdar tree.

Is it Shikra? Confirm the ID Please.

Thanks & regards

Know Me -

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[BirdPhotoIndia] A Dream Bird

     Entered CKBS early in the morning, yesterday. After taking a shot of a pair of drongos near the office , decided to take the first left hand lane. The morning was very pleasant and after those showers of last few days, the trees and shrubs looked greener. I was looking at a cluster of red and black flowers at a low bush at the road side and was thinking of taking a picture of them but a faint sound of a nimble-footed someone attracted my attention . I looked up and saw an Indian Pitta,my dream bird, was hastily retreating under the thick undergrowth.At first, I could not believe my eyes but its 'kajal' drawn eyes were unmistakable!  I do not know why it chose a lower branch then and hopped on it.It was all the better for me as I was having a better view of it then. For a moment or two, I was completely nervous and in two minds.I was thinking,which one will be better, to try to take a shot or just to have a long look at it?It looked so beautiful, as if, it came straight out of a painter's canvas and was placed in that magical garden! Though there were many creepers and thin branches swaying in the wind in between us making shots difficult , sometimes I could see it clearly.
I want to share with you my happiness of sighting it and so I am posting whatever shots I could manage.
Good Day!

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(delhibirdpix) Snowy-browed Flycatcher

Common Name : Snowy-browed Flycatcher


Scientific name: Ficedula hyperythra hyperythra


Status in the Region: Uncommon & Resident 


Place: Premayantse Monastery environs, Near Pelling, Western Sikkim,  alt.approx: 2000 mts

Site Habitat: Tropical humid & evergreen Broadleaved Forest with dense secondary undergrowth…. This was close to the monastery.


Date:  1st April 2010

Equipment: Canon 40 D with Canon 100-400 mm IS lens



This ball of feathers belongs to the typical flycatcher family – Muscicapidae….. "musca" in latin means "Fly". All the members of this family has a relatively small, short, vertically (dorso-ventrally) flattened, and pointed beak and all of them show stout, well-developed bristles (known as rictal bristles) at the gape of the beak, which help increase the effectiveness at catching flying insects. They also have the habit of dropping wings and cocking tail....

Interestingly most flycatchers feed by sitting on a conspicuous perch until a flying insect is spotted, which is then pursued and caught in an aerial sally. Some species repeatedly return to use a favorite perch for hunting, a behavior which can be useful when photographing flycatchers (It is a rewarding habit to observe such birds for few mins first, before frantically rushing behind them for a shot) …… This chap was doing the same, but was also overlooking the female that was busy building the nest (the male did not participate)…. That's when we decided to leave him alone and satisfy ourselves with only a record shot in the dim light :-(

For the groups which don't allow is the link to the photograph...



References: click here ....




Adesh Shivkar

Mumbai, India



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[BirdPhotoIndia] Re: (delhibirdpix) Pipit Id

Thanks, Saurabh. Richard's is a winter visitor, so can it still be around in April? Would like to hear from other experts too. Sumit said that it did look structurally robust and suggested that i seek id help.I had consulted ams first and he felt it was Richard's and then wondered if it could be Tawny when he saw the attached shots of the same bird. There was a pair of them.If it's too late for winter migrants then the only resident species would be Paddyfield, as far as my knowledge goes but I am definite that it was a bigger and heavier bird (with  a long tail) and with a flight different from that of Paddyfield's.
Looking forward to some responses.
Thank you very much.

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Saurabh Sawant <> wrote:
Richard's Pipit


On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 12:02 AM, Soma Jha <> wrote:

This pipit was seen in the  eastern Calcutta wetlands today - it is quite a bit bigger than a paddyfield and it kept bobbing its long tail like a wagtail. Would appreciate help in identifying  it.

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Saurabh Sawant
"The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground."

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Verditer flycatcher - Pedong

This is another commoner of Pedong.


Amit & Debapriya

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Black bulbul - Pedong

A commoner of Pedong


Amit & Debapriya

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Ashy drongo at Ganesh Villa, Kalimpong


This is commoner of the Ganesh Villa, Kalimpong. Good to see - black drongo and ashy drongo - sharing same space to survive on 6000ft height.


Amit & Debapriya

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(delhibirdpix) Brown Rock Chat

Location           :-  River Chambal Bank, Kota, Rajasthan
Date                  :- 30 April 2010
Species            :- Brown Rock Chat
Equipment        :- Canon
With Regards
sunil singhal 

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(delhibirdpix) Male Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse carrying water for chicks (photo by Pooniaji)

Great documentation by Surat Singh Pooniaji from Tal Chhapar, Rajasthan, today.
Male Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse has brought water for his chicks by soaking his belly feathers in water.
Chicks are seen drinking from the papa's feathers.

Kudos to Pooniaji.

Suresh C Sharma

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Brown Shrike

30th April, 2010 at Dibrugarh, Assam. While the Grey-backed can be seen all over the place, this one is a relative rarity.

[BirdPhotoIndia] Chestnut-capped Babbler

30th April, 2010, Dibrugarh, Assam. This bird gave me a teasing glimpse once again but fading light forced me to retire for the day.

[BirdPhotoIndia] Lesser Whistling-duck

30th April, 2010 at Dibrugarh, Assam. These birds have started making their appearance in the paddy fields now. Will soon see them on the trees in the Tea Estate.

[BirdPhotoIndia] Re: CKBS on 24.04.10. -2

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Nupur Sengupta <> wrote:
Grey-bellied Cuckoo, Hepatic Female.

Nupur Banerjee
Senior Research Fellow
Structural Biology and Bio-informatics Division
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
Jadavpur, Kolkata - 32.

Nupur Banerjee
Senior Research Fellow
Structural Biology and Bio-informatics Division
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
Jadavpur, Kolkata - 32.

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[BirdPhotoIndia] CKBS on 24.04.10. -2

Grey-bellied Cuckoo, Hepatic Female.

Nupur Banerjee
Senior Research Fellow
Structural Biology and Bio-informatics Division
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
Jadavpur, Kolkata - 32.

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Great tit, Jungle Babbler, Fantail

Spotted many Great tits, numerous jungle babblers, and many white-throated Fantails at Ckbs today, 30.04... some other birds we spotted were a flock of about 7-8 oriental white-eyes, and a heightened activity of blue-throated barbets...the indian pitta still decided to hide itself from me...though the orange headed thrushes were very friendly....

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Re: CKBS on 24.04.10. -1

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Nupur Sengupta <> wrote:

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Nupur Sengupta <> wrote:
Plaintive Cuckoo, Male.

Nupur Banerjee
Senior Research Fellow
Structural Biology and Bio-informatics Division
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
Jadavpur, Kolkata - 32.

Nupur Banerjee
Senior Research Fellow
Structural Biology and Bio-informatics Division
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
Jadavpur, Kolkata - 32.

Nupur Banerjee
Senior Research Fellow
Structural Biology and Bio-informatics Division
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
Jadavpur, Kolkata - 32.

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Re: CKBS on 24.04.10. -1

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Nupur Sengupta <> wrote:
Plaintive Cuckoo, Male.

Nupur Banerjee
Senior Research Fellow
Structural Biology and Bio-informatics Division
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
Jadavpur, Kolkata - 32.

Nupur Banerjee
Senior Research Fellow
Structural Biology and Bio-informatics Division
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
Jadavpur, Kolkata - 32.

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[BirdPhotoIndia] CKBS on 24.04.10. -1

Plaintive Cuckoo, Male.

Nupur Banerjee
Senior Research Fellow
Structural Biology and Bio-informatics Division
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
Jadavpur, Kolkata - 32.

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Streak-throated Woodpecker Pair

Hello everyone,
Spotted these two woodpeckers at CKBS today, 30.04. They were spotted separately at different first good shot of the pecker... happy to share...

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(delhibirdpix) Pangot 15-18 Apr 10-2

Bluethroat Luscinia svecica  not listed in the bird list on Calcutta site
Grey-hooded Warbler Seicercus xanthoschistos

The bluethroat and the Grey hooded warbler were regular at the lodge for water bath


(delhibirdpix) Pangot 15-18 Apr 10 1

Grey-winged Blackbird Turdus boulboul

A family birding visit to Pangot at the Jungle Lore.
Veena, Mugdha, Ajay, self and Mahi al of 3 and half years took off on 15 morning from Delhi. Roads after Hapur bypass are bad for about 30 KMs which increases the driving time. With advise from Rajeev at jungle Lore we turned off at Moradabad.  After the bypass you take a U turn and then turn right onto the Tanda RD to Bazpur to Kaladungi to  Nainital. At the check post for Nainital cross the check post and turn left towards Pangot. The dist was 290 Kms RD so so. The route via Ramnagar which I did a number of years back is along the river and one does see some birds enroute. The route we followed is easy to follow. Took 9 hrs to reach off which one hrs to enter and get out of Nainital. We planned not to enter the town again with its narrow rds and heavy traffic.
We birded the first day 16th on the rd to Kilbury (same rd leads to nanital), evening spent at the at the lodge and saw a number of birds. During the summer as the day gets hot the lodge is the best place as there is grain and water available for the birds. Seen more birds spashing in the water in the three days than what I have seen in a year. Tit green backed, dove  turtle and spotted, jay black headed and Eurasian. Stonechat Male and female. Common rose finch male and female, grey hooded warbler,sparrow house and russet's, Slaty headed Parakeet, warblers that I could not ID, Blyth's warbler Prinia, large billed crow, buschat grey, grey winged blackbird, etc etc.

A pleasant trip, but the peace may not last long as a number of resorts are coming up in the near vicinity.


We went to Kilbury

the village of Vinayak

Woodpecker point on the way to Vinayak

(delhibirdpix) Grey Bellied Cuckoo

Dear Sumit I am posting 2 pics from my archives which I took in 2009 Aug in my garden and inside JNU campus.
Soma's bird (FIRST ONE ) is the same.
Kind regards

Surya Prakash, Ph.D. ( Zoology)
Room # 219 C.C.I.F.
School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110067
Phone (Work) 26704184

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Cuckoo ID - Pedong

Saw this bird at Pedong. Sitting at top branch. It looks like Eurasian cuckoo. Correct me if i am wrong.


Amit & Debapriya

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Grey headed canary flycatcher

On the way to Tinchuley, Pedong.


Amit & Debapriya

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Green backed tit - Pedong

A commoner from Pedong.


Amit & Debapriya

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Crossing the road


while returning through the narrow path of the MWLS, we got to see the bird crossing the road. We were unable to have stunning shot as light was very low.


Amit & Debapriya

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Warbler.

Today morning I had taken these shots
at my home.Is it Yellowish-Bellied?I am
not sure.Please confirm ID.
Debasis Nandy,Jalpaiguri.

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Lesser Flamingo Juvenile

A Juvenile Lesser Flamingo (Phoenicopterus minor)
Jamnagar, India April '10

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Lesser Flamingo

A Lesser Flamingo(Phoenicopterus minor) at Jamnagar, India. April '10
Somehow likes this angle than the conventional portrait

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

[BirdPhotoIndia] Long-tailed Broadbill - Record Shot

I was blown away & completely ecstatic when I saw a flock of Long tailed Broadbills in Corbett.. Just waiting to get back this weekend to go back to the place where I saw them :) and hopefully get close enough to take better pictures
Long-Tailed Broadbill
Corbett National Park,
April 2010
Canon 7D, Sigma 150-500

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(delhibirdpix) Purple Moorhen

6th March, 2010 - Khijadiya, Jamnagar.

Best Regards,

Dhaivat Hathi,

+91 98257 58389

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Purple Moorhen

6th March, 2010 - Khijadiya, Jamnagar.

Best Regards,

Dhaivat Hathi,

+91 98257 58389

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Crested Serpent Eagle

Species : Crested Serpent Eagle, Spilornis cheela
Location : BR Hills, Karnataka, India
Equipment : Canon 1DM4  300mm F/2.8 + 2x converter
Date : April 25, 2010

Thanks and Regards
Nitin S

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Bengal Florican | Manas

Dear all:

Swarna, Shashank Dalvi and me returned from a 5-day trip to Manas National Park in Assam. Manas is an absolutely fantastic park -- obviously with its own conservation pressures -- offering fantastic habitat for a wide range of rare and threatened wildlife. It is like an 'Eastern Corbett' of sorts -- dense jungle, grasslands & clearings, the beautiful Manas river and the contiguous forests and mountains of Bhutan to the North. We visited three parts -- Koklabari on the east (for the floricans), the picturesque Mothanguri (the heart of the national park) and Ultapani on the west (for golden langurs and hornbills). The first and the third have a loose reserved forest status though part of the overall Manas biosphere reserve. 

The main motivation to visit Manas is the purpose of this post -- the locate the world's rarest bustard. To our pleasant surprise they are flourishing in Manas and we counted more than ten floricans (including a female), all of them atleast half a kilometer away. India holds 85% of the world's Bengal Florican population and Manas has India's largest population. The breeding male's plumage looks like an avian King Kong and they do a sort of a jump-flight display in no particular frequency. Unlike the lesser florican, these males cover both vertical and horizontal distance before crash landing in grass almost head first! 

One image can do no justice to this phenomenal exhibition but here is a cropped image from a series of 35-images of a single jump-flight that lasted about 4-5 seconds. I missed my 800mm which was with Canon for a failed power diaphragm. 



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(delhibirdpix) Black-shouldered Kite

Bangalore, Oct  2008.


Kind regards,




[BirdPhotoIndia] Collared scops Owl 2


The other of the pair of Collared Scops Owls at Chintamoni Kar Bird Sanctuary, Kolkata on 28.4.2010.

Kshounish Ray

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Sorry.....Some attachments problem

Sorry for the last post. Here are images.


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