Tuesday, January 31, 2012

(delhibirdpix) Dinner at the Big Bird Day 5 Feb 12

The list for the Party on the 5 feb 12, is attached.
The time is 7.30 pm at the WWF Terrace on Lodi Road. The collection will be one at the party. 
All those who have not sent their names kindly send the names urgently as we need to finalise the dinner plans
Look forward to more birders joining in..

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi (Retd)
Icon Marketing Pvt LTD
NEW DELHI 110049
PH 011-26491538
FAX 011-26490105
Mob 9810134504

From: Nikhil Devasar <devasar@gmail.com>
To: delhibirdpix@googlegroups.com; delhibird@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, 26 January 2012 1:02 PM
Subject: [delhibird] Dinner at the Big Bird Day


on the 5th of Feb after the long day watching birds - we will be having a
dinner at the WWF Terrace on Lodi Road with the usual quiz, slide show on
the andamans etc
The dinner is Rs 500 per head

Please send in your confirmations to Vijay Sethi at wingco@icon.co.in

"may you always hear the whisper of wings"

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:


Monday, January 30, 2012

(delhibirdpix) Checklist of the birds of Delhi. Excel sheet

Hi Birders

Pl try and follow the instructions below as the help us to tabulate
the lists quickly. We cannot accept any list that does not come in
this form for time constraints.


1. Data Entry for Sighting Needs to be Made Only under a Single
Column in Sheet Alongside - With the Team Name Mentioned In Respective
Cell in Row 2
2       Data Entry for each sighting should be made by inputting 1
(numeric one) against the species sighted in respective team column,
please leave cell against "non sighted" species blank
3       Please don't use any other symbols , like tick mark etc. for
indicating the species sighted
4       Every species entered should be ratified by at least two team members
5       Data Entry should be verified by at least twice, once by team
leader personally, before sending for final tabulation
6       Please do not enter any data in "Column C" Or "Row 3" as these
cells have formulas and are auto calculated
7       Please add your team name to the name of the data sheet file
you are sending to me
8       Respective Team Leaders should send the final checked data
entry Sheet for your team to biks.grewal@gmail.com latest by 18:00 hrs
on Big Bird Day 5 Feb 2012
9       In case of any queries regarding the Data Input Sheet, kindly
clarify with me latest by 4th Feb 2012

Best of luck
Bikram Grewal
B 197 Sheikh Sarai - 1
New Delhi 110017
+91 9811159398

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I will meet you there - Rumi

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

(delhibirdpix) BB day dadri birding team 5 Feb 12

The list is attached. If I have missed any names do let me know.
The time for meeting at Amity school will be at 7 am. Try and be there on time.
We will pool in the cars and then go toward Surajpur and then to dadri. Send me the mob nos so that we can call if there is any changes and no time for the mail.

Suhani ignore my earlier mail. The meeting can be at Surjapur Bird Park. The route will be Amity to Surajpur and then to Pari Chowk and then dadri wet land. 

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi (Retd)
Icon Marketing Pvt LTD
NEW DELHI 110049
PH 011-26491538
FAX 011-26490105
Mob 9810134504

(delhibirdpix) BB Day Party on 5 Feb 12

Dear All,
The list of the birders confirmed for the Party on the 5 Feb 12 is attached.
Kindly go through the list. If your name is missing do write back.
We need to fiinalise the list so lets have more birders confirming the names soon

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi (Retd)
Icon Marketing Pvt LTD
NEW DELHI 110049
PH 011-26491538
FAX 011-26490105
Mob 9810134504

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

(delhibirdpix) Re: [delhibird] Teams - Big Bird Day - 5th Feb

Once I have the full list then we will work out the car pool. The Dadri list is also attached
I am attaching the list of the people who have confirmed their names for the party. The number is very low and I expect a much better response from the birders. This happens once a year and gives a chance to link the names that you see in the mail to the person at the party. So lets get moving I need to finalise the names so that the arrangement can be made.
The cost also has been kept resonable


From: Sharat Varma <varma.sharat@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: Sharat Varma <varma.sharat@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 06:28:27 -0800 (PST)
To: Wingco <sethivijayk@gmail.com>, deepak manchanda <deepackmanchanda@gmail.com>, Anand Arya - GMail <anandswarooparya@gmail.com>, Delhibird <delhibirdpix@googlegroups.com>
Cc: "rita@safhr.org" <rita@safhr.org>, vineeta dixit <vineeta.dixit@gmail.com>, Wingco <wingco@icon.co.in>
Subject: Re: [delhibird] Teams - Big Bird Day - 5th Feb


Thanks for finally including us in. The car pool is a great idea. 
Dr Sharat Varma

Research officer
Division of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition
Department of pediatrics
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)


From: Wingco <sethivijayk@gmail.com>
To: deepak manchanda <deepackmanchanda@gmail.com>; Anand Arya - GMail <anandswarooparya@gmail.com>; Delhibird <delhibirdpix@googlegroups.com>
Cc: rita@safhr.org; vineeta dixit <vineeta.dixit@gmail.com>; Sharat Varma <varma.sharat@yahoo.com>; Wingco <wingco@icon.co.in>
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: [delhibird] Teams - Big Bird Day - 5th Feb

Dear Deepak
We look forward to the trip. I am attaching the map giving the location of Amity school-just across the flyover on the dadri rd or Greater Noida Express way-this is the meeting Place.
Carry Tea Coffee, and  Breakfast. 
Kindly indicate if you have the car so that the car poll can be planned by the 2 Feb 12



From: deepak manchanda <deepackmanchanda@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 17:06:23 +0530
To: Anand Arya - GMail <anandswarooparya@gmail.com>
Cc: Wingco <sethivijayk@gmail.com>, <rita@safhr.org>
Subject: Fwd: [delhibird] Teams - Big Bird Day - 5th Feb

Dear Dr Anand

May we also join your team(s) on BBD please?
Names as follows:
  • Rita Manchanda
  • Deepak Manchanda
We will meet you at Amity School as required. We will be travelling from Vasant Vihar and   may have two spare passenger seats.

Kindly acknowledge and confirm.
Deepak Manchanda
C: 9810221124

Dear All,

Anand will be leading the walk to Surajpur and Dadri wetland.
The program would be as follows.
Meeting at Ameti school Noida for the Car pool.
The map of the Okla area with the Dadri Rd or Greater Noida Express way is
When you come from Delhi via Kalindi Kunj, you go over the barrage and on to
the flyover over the express way. As soon as you come doe the fly over on
the right is the police Post and the Amity school just behind the police
post. There is no turn and you need to go straight for 600 yds and take a U
turn and come to Amity school. Car pooling will be done before we move.
Time will be posted by Monday.
The team names are

Dr Sharat Varma
Vijay Sethi

Any one wanting to join do let me know so that the car planning can be done.
Call me or Anand

Vijay Sethi 

98182 61909

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nikhil Devasar <devasar@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 12:54 PM
Subject: [delhibird] Teams - Big Bird Day - 5th Feb
To: delhibird@yahoogroups.com, delhibirdpix@googlegroups.com
Cc: Ram Pratap Singh <rpsjarar@hotmail.com>, Aditya Singh <dickysingh@gmail.com>, Parikshit Gautam <PGautam@wwfindia.net>, Oan Dilawar <odilawar@gmail.com>, Mohammed Dilawar <dilawarmohammed@gmail.com>, Garima <garima.bhatia@gmail.com>, Wild Brook <wildbrook@gmail.com>, Sumit <sumitksen@gmail.com>, Jagadish Kannan <jagadish.kannan@gmail.com>


the teams are below, please inform the team leader where you would be
joining. The team leaders please post your final plans about time and
meeting place etc

Vijay Sethi (sethivijayk@gmail.com)
Anand Arya (anandswarooparya@gmail.com)

Kavi Nanda (kavinanda7@gmail.com)

Sajeev (isajeev@yahoo.com)
Sharat Varma (varma.sharat@yahoo.com)
Mina (mina.sethi@gmail.com)

Sudhir Oswal (oswal.sudhir@gmail.com0
Ranjit Lal
Dr.Faiyaz Khudsar

Sheila (sheila@delhibird.net)
Satie (satiesharma@gmail.com)
Shirolkar (b_shirolkar@bsnl.in)
Ravi (ravinamita@gmail.com0

KB Singh (kb_singh@yahoo.co.uk)
Kashish (cynosure_1@yahoo.com)

Suresh Sharma (sureshcsharma@gmail.com)
Chetna Sharma (chetnadr@yahoo.co.in)
Sushmita Jha (sushmitaster@gmail.com)

Parikshit (PGautam@wwfindia.net)

Nitu (lorykeet@gmail.com0

Abhishek Varma (supernovate@yahoo.com)

SP (surya@mail.jnu.ac.in)
Abhishek Narayan
Vaibhav Sehgal & His Brother
Chandra Bhushan Maurya
Ravneet Kaur
Tana ji
Sanjay Tiwari
vij.sarita@yahoo.com (Sarita Vij)
Ravindra Mishra (mish17330@gmail.com)
Sonal (sonal.arora73@yahoo.com)


Sunjoy Monga
Ravi Vaidyanathan (ravi.vaidyanathan@gmail.com)
Pravin Subramanian
Dr. Saili Choksi

Ramit Singal (ramitsingal@gmail.com)

Mohd Dilawar (dilawarmohammed@gmail.com)
Oan Dilawar (odilawar@gmail.com)

Rajneesh Suvarna (rajneeshsuvarna@gmail.com)

BULB (All Girls team)
Garima Bhatia (garima.bhatia@gmail.com)

Manoj Kulshretra (wildbrook@gmail.com)
Harkirat Sangha
Gaurav Bhatnagar
Mayank bhatnagar

Aditya Singh (dickysingh@gmail.com)
Saleem Ali

Sumit Sen (sumitksen@gmail.com)

Narbir (narbirkahlon@yahoo.com)

RP Singh (rpsjarar@hotmail.com)

Jagdish (jagadish.kannan@gmail.com)

Upma (upma_manral@yahoo.com)

David V.Raju (davidraju2007@gmail.com)
Varun Devraj
Rishi Sharma
Samson Anil

JL Singh

rochester/syracuse/oswega area,USA
Chandrima Roy

M. Ahsanul Haq

Bay Area, SF, USA
Vivek Tiwari

"may you always hear the whisper of wings"
Recent Activity:


Deepak Manchanda
Hp: 9810221124

Sunday, January 22, 2012

(delhibirdpix) Geese Island

Species : Bar Headed Geese, Anser Indicus
Location : Sultanpur, Haryana, India
Equipment : Canon 1DM4, 300mm F/2.8 with 2x converter.
Date : Jan 15, 2012

Best Regards
Nitin Srinivasamurthy

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Geese Island

Species : Bar Headed Geese, Anser Indicus
Location : Sultanpur, Haryana, India
Equipment : Canon 1DM4, 300mm F/2.8 with 2x converter.
Date : Jan 15, 2012

Best Regards
Nitin Srinivasamurthy

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Groups "Bird Photography India" group.

(delhibirdpix) Yellow Wagtail ...... at Nuh,Haryan​a on 21.01.2012

Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava melanogrisea...... at Nuh,Haryan​a on 21.01.2012


CA M.S.Srinivas

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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/delhibirdpix?hl=en.

(delhibirdpix) Rufous Tailed ( Isabelline ) Shrike ...... at Nuh,Haryan​a on 21.01.2012

Rufous Tailed ( Isabelline ) Shrike ...... at Nuh,Haryan​a on 21.01.2012


CA M.S.Srinivas

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "delhibirdpix" group.
To post to this group, send email to delhibirdpix@googlegroups.com.
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/delhibirdpix?hl=en.

(delhibirdpix) Desert Wheatear M and F...... at Nuh,Haryan​a on 21.01.2012

Desert Wheatear M and F...... at Nuh,Haryan​a on 21.01.2012

CA M.S.Srinivas

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To post to this group, send email to delhibirdpix@googlegroups.com.
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(delhibirdpix) Glimpses of Weekend Dryruns.

Sighting of  07 Yellow Wattled Lapwings after a long- long time inside the JNU campus was very encouraging on Sunday . But I know they will give me a miss as usual on BBD 2012.Waders are from Shankar Vihar. Nik & Satie I am waiting to see your pics from Shankar Vihar.

Surya Prakash, Ph.D. ( Zoology)
Room # 219 C.C.I.F.
School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110067
Phone (Work) 26704184

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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/delhibirdpix?hl=en.

[BirdPhotoIndia] Harrier ID confirmation requested

Is this Montagu's or pallid harrier female? Would appreciate ID pointers and confirmation. 
Clicked yesterday 22 Jan '12 on NH7 near Andhra-Karnataka border.


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Groups "Bird Photography India" group.

[BirdPhotoIndia] Common Teal

A pair of Common Teal.

Santragachi Jheel, 21.01.2012.

Debashis Chowdhury

[BirdPhotoIndia] Bronze-winged Jacana

Bronze-winged Jacana

at Santragachi on 21.01.2012.

Debashis Chowdhury

[BirdPhotoIndia] Black-winged Stilt - Flock in flight - I

Common Name : Black-winged Stilt
Species Name : Himantopus himantopus
Location : Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
Date taken : 22 January 2012
Equipments : Nikon D90 + Nikkor 70-300mm AF VR Zoom
Dr. Shrutidev Mishra
Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh

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Groups "Bird Photography India" group.

[BirdPhotoIndia] Black-winged Stilt - Flock in flight - II

Common Name : Black-winged Stilt

Species Name : Himantopus himantopus

Location : Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh

Date taken : 22 January 2012

Equipments : Nikon D90 + Nikkor 70-300mm AF VR Zoom

Dr. Shrutidev Mishra
Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh

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Groups "Bird Photography India" group.

[BirdPhotoIndia] Black-winged Stilt - I

Common Name : Black-winged Stilt

Species Name : Himantopus himantopus

Location : Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh

Date taken : 22 January 2012

Equipments : Nikon D90 + Nikkor 70-300mm AF VR Zoom

Dr. Shrutidev Mishra
Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh

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Groups "Bird Photography India" group.

(delhibirdpix) Yellow Bittern flight - Nalban - 22.01.12

My first shot of the Yellow Bittern in flight...

Abhishek Das

Howrah, WB, India.

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Yellow Bittern flight - Nalban - 22.01.12

My first shot of the Yellow Bittern in flight...

Abhishek Das

Howrah, WB, India.

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Groups "Bird Photography India" group.

(delhibirdpix) Common Pochard - Record - Nalban - 22.01.12

The sole Common Pochard which was spotted among about 450 Tufted Ducks today morning at Nalban... Avishek Chatterjee (Harry da) made the excellent spot among the similar ducks... Also he has managed to get a wonderful shot, hope he will post soon...

Abhishek Das

Howrah, WB, India.

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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/delhibirdpix?hl=en.

[BirdPhotoIndia] Common Pochard - Record - Nalban - 22.01.12

The sole Common Pochard which was spotted among about 450 Tufted Ducks today morning at Nalban... Avishek Chatterjee (Harry da) made the excellent spot among the similar ducks... Also he has managed to get a wonderful shot, hope he will post soon...

Abhishek Das

Howrah, WB, India.

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Groups "Bird Photography India" group.

(delhibirdpix) Re: Fwd: Eagle for Id ...... at Nuh,Haryana on 21.01.2012

Thanx dear AMS ...... here I am posting some more pics despite the poor quality .... inspired by you , of course .... to id ...  (and now I too see something more indicative.... perhaps .... :-) ....... )

CA M.S.Srinivas

On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 7:43 PM, Abhijit Menon-Sen <ams@toroid.org> wrote:
At 2012-01-22 17:51:50 +0530, mssrinivas31@gmail.com wrote:
> Aquila Eagle for Id please  ....  long shots from underneath ( cropped
> max) ...... near Nuh,Haryana on 21.01.2012

I tend to think this is an Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca), because of
the long, narrow, mostly even-width wings with a slightly narrower hand,
plus the overall dark plumage with a powerful, apparently paler head.
But I am by no means certain from these photos, it's just a guess.

Do you have any other photographs from other angles, no matter how bad?
(If you have any of the bird flying directly towards or away from you,
they may be useful.)

-- ams


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(delhibirdpix) Common Crane



All nature fellow friends.

Common Crane  Grus grus

Pix taken at GRK




Ashwin Pomal


Save this planet because we have nowhere else to go.

Do you really need to print this e-mail? Use paper prudently!





[BirdPhotoIndia] Baikal-Hero of 2012

Hi all,
Atlast I took a shot of baikal teal on saturday(21.01.12) at Santragachhi jheel.
Extremely distant shot for my small camera.


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[BirdPhotoIndia] Pintail pair

Northern pintail pair at Santragachhi jheel, on 17th Jan,2012.


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Groups "Bird Photography India" group.

[BirdPhotoIndia] Striated grrassbird

Shot today near Jalpaiguri, WB.

Kind regards
Follow Rediff Deal ho jaye! to get exciting offers in your city everyday.

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Groups "Bird Photography India" group.

[BirdPhotoIndia] Plain prinia

Shot today near Jalpaiguri, WB.

Follow Rediff Deal ho jaye! to get exciting offers in your city everyday.

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Groups "Bird Photography India" group.

(delhibirdpix) Lark id please - Sultanpur Flats Archive Shot


The bone-cold winter Delhi mornings tend to turn the weak-willed like
me into an armchair birders, and digging into archive shots while
sipping that hot cup of coffee seems like the next best thing to going

I shot this one almost two years back at Sultanpur Flats.
Unfortunately, these back shots are all I have - no front shots or

I was thinking Bimaculated or greater short-toed, but the lack of
side-shots makes it very difficult to pinpoint clinching id features
as present in the field guides.

Well, not sure that I would have fared better with those angles being
available, but at least I tried ;-)

Could the experts kindly help?


Amitava Misra

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Asian Koel (Male)

Date: 18/12/11
Time: 08:00 AM
Place: Saheb bandh, Adra
Rakesh Khedwal

[BirdPhotoIndia] Asian Koel (female)

Date: 18/12/11
Time: 08:00 AM
Place: Saheb bandh, Adra
Rakesh Khedwal

[BirdPhotoIndia] Barn Swallow (juv.)

Date: 18/12/11
Time: 08:00 AM
Place: Saheb bandh, Adra
Rakesh Khedwal

[BirdPhotoIndia] Green Bee-eater with bee

Date: 18/12/11
Time: 08:00 AM
Place: Saheb bandh, Adra
Rakesh Khedwal

(delhibirdpix) Fwd: Eagle for Id ...... at Nuh,Haryana on 21.01.2012

Sorry attachment failed ..... here goes !!

CA M.S.Srinivas

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: M S SRINIVAS <mssrinivas31@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 5:49 PM
Subject: Eagle for Id ...... at Nuh,Haryana on 21.01.2012
To: Delhibirdpix <delhibirdpix@googlegroups.com>
Cc: rajneeshs@hotmail.com, Saurabh Sawant <mastermind.neo@gmail.com>, Abhijit Sen <ams@toroid.org>

Aquila Eagle for Id please  ....  long shots from underneath ( cropped max ) ...... near Nuh,Haryana on 21.01.2012


CA M.S.Srinivas

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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/delhibirdpix?hl=en.

[BirdPhotoIndia] scaly thrush

Date: 19/01/12
Time: 11:00 AM
Place: Asansol
Rakesh Khedwal

[BirdPhotoIndia] Ruddy Shelduck

Photographed today at river Teesta near Jalpaiguri town,
today at 10.30am.
Chinmoy Saha

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Bar-Headed goose

We three (Supriyo Ghatak,Debashis Nandi & myself) have spotted these
at river Teesta,today at around 12.00 Noon,near Jalpaiguri Town.
Chinmoy Saha

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Groups "Bird Photography India" group.

(delhibirdpix) Stonechat- from Rajarhat

Visited the Rajarhat wetlands today morning with birder friends from
Barrackpore viz: Suvankar Das Sarkar, Somnath Pal Das and Avishek Das,
and we spotted this male Siberian Stonechat in the grasslands.
22nd Jan-2012. Sony HX100V

Shantanu Bhattacharya... : )

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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/delhibirdpix?hl=en.

(delhibirdpix) Bronze-winged Dove- CKBS

Sharing another shot of the Emerald or Bronze-winged Dove (Chalcophaps
indica)from CKBS Narendrapur- another shot. 17th Jan-2012. The bird
was foraging near a pond inside the sanctuary

Shantanu Bhattacharya...

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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/delhibirdpix?hl=en.

(delhibirdpix) Brown-headed Gulls from Nalban

Visited the Nalban wetlands of Kolkata today morning with birder
friends Suvankar Das Sarkar, Somnath Pal Das and Avishek Das (from
Barrackpore ), and we spotted a flock of Brown-headed Gulls.
22nd Jan-2012. Sony HX100V


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(delhibirdpix) Solitary Reaper....

Visited the Rajarhat wetlands today morning with birder friends from
Barrackpore viz: Suvankar Das Sarkar, Somnath Pal Das and Avishek Das,
and we spotted this male Siberian Stonechat in the grasslands.
22nd Jan-2012. Sony HX100V


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