Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fwd: (delhibirdpix) ID


I haven't been keeping up with the list for months, so I'd built up a
bit of a backlog, which I just went through (mostly with the "delete"
key). Here's one photograph that didn't (as far as I can see) receive
any comments since it was posted in early November 2011.

What *is* this odd-looking bird? Sykes's Warbler?

-- ams

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

(delhibirdpix) Fw: [OBPix] Annual Waterfowl Estimation in Pong Dam Lake WLS HP

 The tabulated Annual Waterfowl estimations of Pong Wetlands (HP).
Forwarded on behalf of Mr Satish Gupta. 

--- On Tue, 7/2/12, satish gupta <> wrote:

From: satish gupta <>
Subject: [OBPix] Annual Waterfowl Estimation in Pong Dam Lake WLS HP
To: "OBPics OBP Group" <>
Date: Tuesday, 7 February, 2012, 9:16 PM

Dear OB friends,
Annual Waterfowl Estimation was carried out in Pong Dam Lake Wildlife Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh on 30-31 Jan.
Figures are attached pl. This year we have received about 119200 birds (103 species).
May be of interest to some.
Best Wishes,
Satish Gupta
Pong Dam Lake Wildlife Sanctuary,
Himachal Pradesh.
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Monday, February 6, 2012

(delhibirdpix) Big Bird day by Jalpaiguri team

Bikram Da

Here is the attachment containing list of species sighted by Jalpaiguri team on Big Bird Day. I don't know why the attachment, as I sent yesterday, was not visible in delhibird group.


Mousumi Dutta

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Sunday, February 5, 2012


Attached is our list of birds seen on the Big Bird Day @ AV Wetlands Sohna Gurgaon.

Highlight for me was seeing a flock of about 20-25 Bar-headed Goose, three Sarus Cranes, 100-150 cute Little Grebes and a flock of about 20 Purple Swamphen.

A Big Thank You to the organizers of yesterday's BBD Dinner. It was an evening filled with warmth, complimented by very good food and premium drinks.

las gracias y viven de largo el delhibird y los pájaros de Delhi


View my avian shots at-
The Five Principles

Friday, February 3, 2012

Re: (delhibirdpix) FW: Dinner on the Big Bird Day

Dear all,
The list as of 2000 hrs on the 3 Feb 12 is attached. Total 99 birders one short which I should be able to find one more person. Kindly check the names and if I have missed a name do get back to me. 



Vijay K Sethi
Wg Cdr
Mob 9810134504
Off 011-26491538
Res 01129536061

Subject: (delhibirdpix) FW: Dinner on the Big Bird Day

Dear All,
The list as of 19.30 hrs on 1 feb is attached. Please check the list and if your name is missing I would request for mail so that the correction can be done.
The money will be collected at the party so do carry your purse we will be around with the hat to collect the cash.
We have 89 members short by 11 for the 100 number. Those who have not joined do so by 3 Feb 12

Look forward to the evening


Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi (Retd)
PH 011-26491538
FAX 011-26490105
Mob 9810134504

From: Nik <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 17:07:06 +0530
To: peeyush sekhsaria <>
Cc: Wingco <>, WingCo <>, Wingco <>
Subject: Re: Dinner on the Big Bird Day

Great you are confirmed

On 31 January 2012 17:00, peeyush sekhsaria <> wrote:
If still not too late I would like to confirm for the dinner on the 5th - I was travelling in a poor connectivity area and just got back today.

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Re: (delhibirdpix) FW: BB day dadri birding team 5 Feb 12

Dear All 
The last mail confirming the names for the Surajpur and Dadri birding and Fooding trip on the 5 Feb. The details are given below. I am attaching the list which also gives the birders who have cars and the extra seats available in the car. Mob no are also mentioned. Devashish you need to send me the mob no.

Be in time and for some reason you are held up call me.

No calls on Saturday 4th after 10 pm and 5th morning not before 6 am.

Look forward to very fun filled day with lots of birds to spot and report. I will be carrying the printed check list. A copy is attached A – Z


Vijay K Sethi
Wg Cdr
Mob 9810134504
Off 011-26491538
Res 01129536061

From: Wingco <>
Reply-To: Wingco <>
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2012 20:34:39 +0530
Subject: (delhibirdpix) FW: BB day dadri birding team 5 Feb 12

Dear All 

We have 21 members for Surjapur and dadri.The meeting Point is Amity school Noida. Meeting time 7 am. I would request members to be there in time as with the large group it will take a little time to car pool and we don’t want to be late on the birding count.
Besides counting the number of birds we spot during the day, I would also make it a fun trip. A no of new members and it will be essential that the experienced birders take them along so the trip is a learning and fun trip.
The bird count is essential so that we know if the bird population is increasing or decreasing in the NCR area. This is also a hobby akin to golf-no one to check what you have seen. It is a gentlemen's hobby and your word on the sighting would be taken for granted unless you report a bird only seen in Andamans-just joking

Start the count as soon as you leave the house and you will be surprised as to the number of common birds one spots when you are looking for them-normally they would not be noticed. The commoners get their due attention this time of the year.
The day is going to be hectic-which means the tummy's demand is going to be more than normal. Carry good breakfast, coffee/tea and some snack for lunch time. A good sweet after the breakfast is always welcomed.

Lets make it good birding trip with lots of fun and good food.

Look forward to the 5 Feb 12

Call me for any clarification


PH 011-26491538
FAX 011-26490105
Mob 9810134504

Dear Wingco Vijay

As already communicated:

My cell no.: Deepak Manchanda - 9810221124
Car: Santro - Old Model - 2 seats vacant.

See you as planned.
Deepak Manchanda

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 6:21 PM, Wingco <> wrote:
Dear All,
Waiting for the reply-Cars and Phone Nos


Dear All,
We have 16 members for the Surajpur and the Dadri team. The meeting time is 7 am at Amity school Noida. Try and be on time so that we leave Amity on time. The map is attached. Amity school is marked on the map.. Coming from Delhi via Kalindi Kunj you cross the bridge after the barrage and go past the Amity School which is on the right. There is no break in the Rd as such you go straight and take a U turn and come back to Amity school. We will Car pool at this point and then proceed to Surajpur 

The cars available as of  now are as follows. Check if this is correct. Any changes let me know.
I do not have the phone of some members. Do send me the phone so that we can contact you if there is any last min change.

If you have not given your name for the evening party do let me know so that the same can be added. The party list is also attached

Carry B'fast, coffee, tea etc

Anand with one seat free
Wingco with one seat free
Dr Sharat Varma
Adil with one seat available
Suhani car available will join at Surajpur
Deepak Manchanda with two seats available

Look forward to the BB day.


The list is attached. If I have missed any names do let me know.
The time for meeting at Amity school will be at 7 am. Try and be there on time.
We will pool in the cars and then go toward Surajpur and then to dadri. Send me the mob nos so that we can call if there is any changes and no time for the mail.

Suhani ignore my earlier mail. The meeting can be at Surjapur Bird Park. The route will be Amity to Surajpur and then to Pari Chowk and then dadri wet land. 

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi (Retd)
Icon Marketing Pvt LTD
NEW DELHI 110049
PH 011-26491538
FAX 011-26490105
Mob 9810134504

Deepak Manchanda
Hp: 9810221124

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

[BirdPhotoIndia] BIG BIRD DAY ... Bird Check List of the Kolkata Area


Please find enclosed a checklist of birds for the Kolkata area. Those who will be birding within this area on the BIG BIRD DAY - 2012 can tick once in the box to the left of the bird's name on the list for each bird seen. Please ensure that your report reaches us for checking by 1800 hrs on the day without fail, so that we can forward the same to Delhi on time.

For those who plan to do bird watching outside the Kolkata area may visit and refer to the bird lists given there for other areas.



You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Bird Photography India" group.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

(delhibirdpix) FW: Dinner on the Big Bird Day

Dear All,
The list as of 19.30 hrs on 1 feb is attached. Please check the list and if your name is missing I would request for mail so that the correction can be done.
The money will be collected at the party so do carry your purse we will be around with the hat to collect the cash.
We have 89 members short by 11 for the 100 number. Those who have not joined do so by 3 Feb 12

Look forward to the evening

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi (Retd)
PH 011-26491538
FAX 011-26490105
Mob 9810134504

From: Nik <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 17:07:06 +0530
To: peeyush sekhsaria <>
Cc: Wingco <>, WingCo <>, Wingco <>
Subject: Re: Dinner on the Big Bird Day

Great you are confirmed

On 31 January 2012 17:00, peeyush sekhsaria <> wrote:
If still not too late I would like to confirm for the dinner on the 5th - I was travelling in a poor connectivity area and just got back today.

(delhibirdpix) FW: BB day dadri birding team 5 Feb 12

Dear All 

We have 21 members for Surjapur and dadri.The meeting Point is Amity school Noida. Meeting time 7 am. I would request members to be there in time as with the large group it will take a little time to car pool and we don’t want to be late on the birding count.
Besides counting the number of birds we spot during the day, I would also make it a fun trip. A no of new members and it will be essential that the experienced birders take them along so the trip is a learning and fun trip.
The bird count is essential so that we know if the bird population is increasing or decreasing in the NCR area. This is also a hobby akin to golf-no one to check what you have seen. It is a gentlemen's hobby and your word on the sighting would be taken for granted unless you report a bird only seen in Andamans-just joking

Start the count as soon as you leave the house and you will be surprised as to the number of common birds one spots when you are looking for them-normally they would not be noticed. The commoners get their due attention this time of the year.
The day is going to be hectic-which means the tummy's demand is going to be more than normal. Carry good breakfast, coffee/tea and some snack for lunch time. A good sweet after the breakfast is always welcomed.

Lets make it good birding trip with lots of fun and good food.

Look forward to the 5 Feb 12

Call me for any clarification

PH 011-26491538
FAX 011-26490105
Mob 9810134504

Dear Wingco Vijay

As already communicated:

My cell no.: Deepak Manchanda - 9810221124
Car: Santro - Old Model - 2 seats vacant.

See you as planned.
Deepak Manchanda

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 6:21 PM, Wingco <> wrote:
Dear All,
Waiting for the reply-Cars and Phone Nos


Dear All,
We have 16 members for the Surajpur and the Dadri team. The meeting time is 7 am at Amity school Noida. Try and be on time so that we leave Amity on time. The map is attached. Amity school is marked on the map.. Coming from Delhi via Kalindi Kunj you cross the bridge after the barrage and go past the Amity School which is on the right. There is no break in the Rd as such you go straight and take a U turn and come back to Amity school. We will Car pool at this point and then proceed to Surajpur 

The cars available as of  now are as follows. Check if this is correct. Any changes let me know.
I do not have the phone of some members. Do send me the phone so that we can contact you if there is any last min change.

If you have not given your name for the evening party do let me know so that the same can be added. The party list is also attached

Carry B'fast, coffee, tea etc

Anand with one seat free
Wingco with one seat free
Dr Sharat Varma
Adil with one seat available
Suhani car available will join at Surajpur
Deepak Manchanda with two seats available

Look forward to the BB day.


The list is attached. If I have missed any names do let me know.
The time for meeting at Amity school will be at 7 am. Try and be there on time.
We will pool in the cars and then go toward Surajpur and then to dadri. Send me the mob nos so that we can call if there is any changes and no time for the mail.

Suhani ignore my earlier mail. The meeting can be at Surjapur Bird Park. The route will be Amity to Surajpur and then to Pari Chowk and then dadri wet land. 

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi (Retd)
Icon Marketing Pvt LTD
NEW DELHI 110049
PH 011-26491538
FAX 011-26490105
Mob 9810134504

Deepak Manchanda
Hp: 9810221124

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