Wednesday, December 31, 2014

[BirdPhotoIndia] striped tit babbler, kuldiha forest - orissa, 28.12.14

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(delhibirdpix) Fw: ID of Flycatcher is appreciated.

On Thursday, January 1, 2015 8:16 AM, satish ranadive <> wrote:

Taken yesterday at Nigadi,Pune,2014.
Satish Ranadive.

[BirdPhotoIndia] ID of Flycatcher is appreciated.

Taken yesterday at Nigadi,Pune,2014.
Satish Ranadive.

[BirdPhotoIndia] A Red Avadavat

Hello friends,

Wish You A Very Happy,Prosperous and Peaceful New Year 2015.

A Red Avadavat From Rajarhat, Kolkata,India shot on 20th Dec 2014.

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Happy New Year2015

Wish you happy prosperous New Year 2015

With Best Wishes

Devendra Bhardwaj & family

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(delhibirdpix) The Old Giving Way to the New

A moulting Purple Sunbird in my garden this evening, heralding the new year.

Have a wonderful 2015!

Love & Peace,

Sushmita Jha

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(delhibirdpix) 2015 A.D...a message from Terai Forests

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. --Mahatma Gandhi "
Wishing you a very happy new year 2015....Krishna Kumar Mishra (Founder -Dudhwa Live Project)

Krishna Kumar Mishra
Wildlife Biologist & Nature Photographer
Manhan House
77, Canal Rd. Shiv Colony Lakhimpur Kheri-262701,
Uttar Pradesh
Cellular: +91-9451925997
Home: +91-5872-263571

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Happy New Year,2015.

Dear Friends,
Wish you and your family,
Very Very Happy & Prosperous New Tear,2015.

Satish Ranadive.

(delhibirdpix) Brook's Leaf Warbler

Species: Brook's Leaf Warbler
Place: Sanjay van, New Delhi

A pair of these birds was seen by Bela Arora and I on 27 December. The Ridge areas in Delhi have long been known to host small numbers of these birds in winter. It was identified on the basis of its crown stripe, yellowish underparts and its habit of hovering frequently.

A nice finish to birding in 2014!

27 December, 2014

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Happy New Year2015

Wish you happy prosperous New Year 2015
With Best Wishes
Devendra Bhardwaj & family

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(delhibirdpix) Retrospective 2014 (Delhi NCR)

Dear friends WISH YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY &PROSPEROUS 2015. Well, the year was great as far as birding was concerned. First half of 2014 was little better for birding as compared to the later, probably because the rain God wasn’t very happy with Delhi–NCR. There were couple of very important sightings Viz. Lesser Florican , Great Bitten,Western Reef Egret ,Grey Winged Black Bird. Critically endangered, the Red Headed Vulture, has become a regular sighting in Bhatti Mines and we also sighted & photographed nominate species of Egyptian Vultures from Bhatti Mines (N.p.percnopterus). Albeit the negligible downpour, Dighal was good as Rakesh Ahlawat reported Longbilled Vulture and Greater White Fronted Goose & Western Reef Egret. Jagat Varma, on the onset of winter, reported Smew from Bhindawas. Asola was ok but Great Tit ,Orange Headed Thrush and Paradise Flycatcher marked their presence. Sanjay Van & JNU were also moderately encouraging as Verditer Flycatchers, Dark Throated Thrushes and Eurasian Sparrow Hawk showed up. Solitary Eurasian Griffon entered it’s name in the check list of Delhi Bird from OBP with GWBBird. Basai list enrolled Mustached & Smoky Warblers and Ruddy Breasted Crakes,Water Rail. Surajpur, unlike every year, was good for Bristled Grass Birds, Bonelli’s Eagle and Rufoustail Scrub Robin. One Dead Indian Pitta was reported from Noida. An Imperial Eagle  was also sighted from here . Spotted Dove from ABDP Gurgaon and Grey Bellied Cuckoo from AV.Wetlands were lovely sightings.

As far as Bird Walks were concerned (BIG GROUPS)  were little less frequent compared to last couple of years but smaller groups were doing regular weekly walks, even I was also less frequent with the bigger groups except for 5-6 walks . Many big names gave 2014, a miss for bird walks. Less number of illustrated talks at WWF- Auditorium. Two new birding destinations were added in 2014, first was discovered by Anand Arya (Dhanauri) a paradise of Sarus Cranes and latter  by your’s truely (Bhardwasj Lake) 15kms inside Asola Wildlife Sanctuary where I’m currently documenting avian diversity . Over all, migration was less in the winter of 2014 may be because of poor monsoon. Yamuna Khadar as usual housing few dozen of Red Crested Pochards and thousands  of Gulls. Basai is losing its identity as wetland but still was a good choice of birders. I wish, Sad episodes of Mangar Bani & Surajpur do not repeat in 2015 and we all enjoy every bit of good birding in all our birding destinations. Wish you all a very happy & prosperous 2015 once again. HAPPY BIRDING J

Lesser Florican (Dadri)

Grey Winged Black Bird (OBP)

Smoky Warbler? (BASAI)

Red Headed Vulture (BHATTI MINES)


Great Bitten (Didhal)

Western Reef Egret (Dighal)

Indian Pitta (Dead @ Greater Noida)

Great Tits (ASOLA)

Orange Headed Thrush (ASOLA)

Dark throated Thrush (JNU+SNP)

Rudy Breasted Crake (BASAI)

Greater White Fronted Goose (Dighal)

Bonelli’s Eagle (SURAJPUR)

Scrub Robin (Surajpur)

Verditer Flycatcher (Sanjay Van)

Smew (Bhindawas)

Rudy Turnstone (Dighal)

Grey Bellied Cuckoo (AV-Wetland)

Small Button Quail (Najfgarh)

Longbilled Vulture (Dighal)

Bristled Grass Birds( Surajpur)

Eurasian Griffon (OBP)

Eurasian Rollars (Bhatti mInes 70-80)

Eurasian Sparrow Hawk (JNU)

Moustached Warbler (Basai)

Hen Harrier (Najfgarh)

Paradise Flycatchers (Asola)

Imperial Eagle (Dadri-Noida)

Spotted Dove (ABDP –Gurgaon)

Chestnut Tailed Starling (Tuglakabad)

Lesser Fish Eagle (OBP)

Water Rail (Basai)


Happy Birding





Surya Prakash, Ph.D. ( Zoology),Member- BNHS, IBCN, WWF
Room # 219 C.C.I.F.
School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110067
Phone (Work) 26704184

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Bar-headed Goose

Common Name- Anser indicus
Name of species- Bar-headed Goose
Family- Anserinae
Photo taken on- 25 Dec,2014
At- BarKheda,Jaipur,Rajasthan
Description- Feeding

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Pied Kingfisher _1

Common Name- Ceryle rudis
Name of species- Pied Kingfisher
Family- Cerylidae
Photo taken on- 25 Dec,2014
At- BarKheda,Jaipur,Rajasthan

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[BirdPhotoIndia] Pied Kingfisher _2

Common Name- Ceryle rudis
Name of species- Pied Kingfisher
Family- Cerylidae
Photo taken on- 25 Dec,2014
At- BarKheda,Jaipur,Rajasthan

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[BirdPhotoIndia] White-browed Fantail

Common Name- Rhipidura aureola
Name of species- White-browed Fantail
Family- Dicrurinae
Photo taken on- 27 Aug,2014
At- Jod Beed,Bikaner,Rajasthan

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[BirdPhotoIndia] oriental honey buzzard, sultanpur np - near delhi, 03.11.14

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

(delhibirdpix) Sarus Crane I

Date : 13 Dec 14                           
Location : Dhanauri-Kherli-Hajipur-UP
Camera : Camera D800. Lens Nikon 500mm F4, VR.
Common Name : Sarus Crane 
Scientific Name : Grus antigone  GRUIFORMES: Gruidae

Remarks The Sarus Chick hatched on approx 23 Sep, the size smaller than the domestic chicken. In just 80 odd days the chick is almost the size of the parent 

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061

(delhibirdpix) Srus Crane II

Date : 13 Dec 14                           
Location : Dhanauri-Kherli-Hajipur-UP
Camera : Camera D800. Lens Nikon 500mm F4, VR.
Common Name : Sarus Crane 
Scientific Name : Grus antigone  GRUIFORMES: Gruidae

Remarks The Sarus Chick hatched on approx 23 Sep, the size smaller than the domestic chicken. In just 80 odd days the chick is almost the size of the parent 

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061

(delhibirdpix) Eagle Booted

Date : 13 Dec 14                           
Location : Dhanauri-Kherli-Hajipur-UP
Camera : Camera D800. Lens Nikon 500mm F4, VR.
Common Name : Booted Eagle 
Scientific Name : Aquila pennata  FALCONIFORMES: Accipitridae

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061

(delhibirdpix) Redshank Spotted

Date : 13 Dec 14                           
Location : Dhanauri-Kherli-Hajipur-UP
Camera : Camera D800. Lens Nikon 500mm F4, VR.
Common Name : Redshank Spotted 
Scientific Name : Tringa erythropus  CHARADRIIFORMES: Scolopacidae

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061

(delhibirdpix) Welcome the New Year 2015

Wishing all a Very Happy And Prosperous New Year 2015

Vijay Veena

(delhibirdpix) White-bellied Treepie (Thattekad, Kerala)

Species : White-bellied Treepie
Place : Thattekad, Kerala, India
Date : 27 December 2014


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[BirdPhotoIndia] White-bellied Treepie (Thattekad, Kerala)

Species : White-bellied Treepie
Place : Thattekad, Kerala, India
Date : 27 December 2014


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[BirdPhotoIndia] Golden Oriole at Nalban

Bird: Golden Oriole
Location: Nalban, near Kolkata. West Bengal. India.
Date: 06.11.14.

Srikumar Bose

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[BirdPhotoIndia] short eared owl, near sultanpur np - delhi, 03.11.14

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[BirdPhotoIndia] black francolin juv, near jajjar town - near delhi, 2.11.14

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(delhibirdpix) Lesser Whitethroat foraging on the ground| Sawai-Madhopur, Rajasthan | 04 January 2014 | 1 pic_set 2

Species: Lesser Whitethroat
Place: Sawai-Madhopur, Rajasthan 
Date: 04 January 2014

Equipment: Sony Alpha 37 + Tamaron 70-300mm macro lens

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(delhibirdpix) Lesser Whitethroat foraging on the ground| Sawai-Madhopur, Rajasthan | 04 January 2014 | 1 pic_set 1

Species: Common Tailorbird
Place: Sawai-Madhopur, Rajasthan 
Date: 04 January 2014

Equipment: Sony Alpha 37 + Tamaron 70-300mm macro lens

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(delhibirdpix) Common Tailorbird | Sawai-Madhopur, Rajasthan | 04 January 2014 | 2 pics

Species: Common Tailorbird
Place: Sawai-Madhopur, Rajasthan 
Date: 04 January 2014

Equipment: Sony Alpha 37 + Tamaron 70-300mm macro lens

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(delhibirdpix) Oriental magpie Robin (female)| Sawai-Madhopur, Rajasthan | 04 January 2014 | 2 pics

Species: Oriental magpie Robin (female)
Place: Sawai-Madhopur, Rajasthan 
Date: 04 January 2014

Equipment: Sony Alpha 37 + Tamaron 70-300mm macro lens

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Monday, December 29, 2014

(delhibirdpix) Rosy Pipit-Non Breeding Plumage-AV- Wetland-27.12.14

Surya Prakash, Ph.D. ( Zoology),Member- BNHS, IBCN, WWF
Room # 219 C.C.I.F.
School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110067
Phone (Work) 26704184

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(delhibirdpix) Common Snipe (??)

Dear All

Is this common snipe ?

Taken at Uran, Navi Mumbai, pn 21 st dec. 2014.

Kidly help for ID.

        | श्री कृष्णार्पणमस्तु  |

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(delhibirdpix) Grey Heron

Dear All

Taken at dying :( water body of Uran, Navi Mumbai on 21 st December 2014.

        | श्री कृष्णार्पणमस्तु  |

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(delhibirdpix) Buzzard Long Legged IV

Date : 13 Dec 14                           
Location : Dhanauri-Kherli-Hajipur-UP
Camera : Camera D800. Lens Nikon 500mm F4, VR.
Common Name : Long-legged Buzzard 
Scientific Name : Buteo rufinus  FALCONIFORMES: Accipitridae

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061

(delhibirdpix) Buzzard Long Legged III

Date : 13 Dec 14                           
Location : Dhanauri-Kherli-Hajipur-UP
Camera : Camera D800. Lens Nikon 500mm F4, VR.
Common Name : Long-legged Buzzard 
Scientific Name : Buteo rufinus  FALCONIFORMES: Accipitridae

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061

(delhibirdpix) Buzzard Long Legged II

Date : 13 Dec 14                           
Location : Dhanauri-Kherli-Hajipur-UP
Camera : Camera D800. Lens Nikon 500mm F4, VR.
Common Name : Long-legged Buzzard 
Scientific Name : Buteo rufinus  FALCONIFORMES: Accipitridae

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061

(delhibirdpix) Buzzard Long Legged I

Date : 13 Dec 14                           
Location : Dhanauri-Kherli-Hajipur-UP
Camera : Camera D800. Lens Nikon 500mm F4, VR.
Common Name : Long-legged Buzzard 
Scientific Name : Buteo rufinus  FALCONIFORMES: Accipitridae

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061
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