Saturday, March 27, 2010

[BirdPhotoIndia] Pygmy Wren Babbler

Last year around the same time in March  I had made some pictures of this little skulker. This was in the marshy area of my neighbors property. From early March of this year I was hearing a distinct, sharp bird song early in the mornings and late evenings from the marshy area. I thought maybe it was a small Niltava that I had seen among the bamboo clumps till I checked bird sounds in the incredible site at:    I spent quite some time over a few days checking bird calls of  birds I had photographed till date and one day came across the Pygmy Wren-babbler call. Following the sharp whistle call in the marshy area early in the morning of 2nd of this month I saw this bird perched on a wet stone.  I had sufficient time too make some photographs. The second picture shows the rather large claws this bird has. And, of course, no tail. It eventually flew off with a sharp "tzzit" call


Ganesh Mani Pradhan & Son
Ganesh Villa, Kalimpong 734301
 West Bengal, INDIA
Phones: +91-3552- 274517 / 274489
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