Wednesday, March 31, 2010

[BirdPhotoIndia] Ultramarine Flycatcher

Is this the Ultramarine Flycatcher?
Today evening while taking a stroll in our property I was drawn to a loud chattering bird call.  Moving towards the direction of the call I saw this flycatcher high up on a tree that is now flush with new spring leaves. It was at quite a distance but through the 400mm reach of my lens I could make out the distinct white breast and a white supercilium. Made some pictures. Checking identity in "Birds of the Indian Subcontinent", I find Ultramarine Flycatcher description matches with my pictures. I also looked up the distinctive bird call in . However, the book says that the race with a supercillium  and white patches on tail is from the Western Himalayas though there is an overlap with the Eastern Himalayn race which does not have a supercillium. Lifer for me.


Ganesh Mani Pradhan & Son
Ganesh Villa, Kalimpong 734301
 West Bengal, INDIA
Phones: +91-3552- 274517 / 274489
TeleFax: +91-3552-274489 

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