Friday, March 26, 2010

(delhibirdpix) Basai 21 Mar 10 VI

Seeing Flocks of Glossy Ibis was the first for me. Such large numbers I have
not seen in the last 4 yrs. The black Headed Ibis with red marking on the
neck is also the first. Experts please help. What is this?

Date : 21 Mar 10
Location : basai wet lands and the lark in Sultanpur Flats
Camera/Lens : Nikon D300. Nikon 500mm F4, VR.
Common Name : Lark Ashy Crowned Sparrow
Scientific Name : Eremopterix griseus
Bird Family : PASSERIFORMES: Alaudidae

Common Name : Glossy Ibis
Scientific Name : Plegadis falcinellus
Bird Family : CICONIIFORMES: Threskiornithidae

Common Name : Black-headed Ibis
Scientific Name : Threskiornis melanocephalus
Bird Family : CICONIIFORMES: Threskiornithidae

Remarks :


Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061

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