Tuesday, April 27, 2010

(delhibirdpix) Egyptian Vulture subspecies question

See picture of Sub-adult Egyptian Vulture and note the black tip to the beak. This is the nominate species spread throughout most of europe and differs  from the smaller indian race ginginianus which has an all yellow beak (as per Wikipedia). A large population (50+) of Egyptian Vultures (nominate ssp) winter in Tal Chapar which have now either migrated back or have dispersed (save for 2-3 individuals none of which were adults) ????
I have gone through all my pictures of Egyptian Vultures and have found only the Tal Chapar vultures to have black tips to their beaks. All other vultures (including Jaisalmer and Kutch) are the indian ssp.
1) Have others seen this ssp elsewhere in India ?
2) Are these populations migrants (locally or otherwise)?
Thanks in advance.

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