Sunday, April 25, 2010

(delhibirdpix) Rusty - Tailed Flycatcher??? from Chandigarh!!!

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From: Vinod Thomas <>
Date: Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 8:45 PM
Subject: Rusty - Tailed Flycatcher??? from Chandigarh!!!
To: delhibirdpix group <>

Dear all,


While studying Chandigarh airfield I and Mahesh saw this bird at the outskirts of Chandigarh on 23 Apr 10, around 1130 hrs (Jagatpura Village behind 47 sector). He was a real 'hard to getter'. Initially saw just a few glimpses of the bird in thick bushes. While in flight could see orange, brownish rump and tail coverts, otherwise a non descript grayish brown bird. Had white eye ring.


We zeroed down to Rusty –Tailed Flycatcher (Muscicapa ruficauda). Considering the distribution and earlier reporting, I could not find any literature of this bird being found in this area. Need help for the following.

(a)   Am I right in IDing the bird as Rusty –Tailed Flycatcher?

(b)   Was this bird reported from Chandigarh before?



Vinod Thomas

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