Sunday, May 9, 2010

[BirdPhotoIndia] After a cool shower....

Today in the afternoon....i was watching TV when a bird caught my attention. I was amazed to find that it was a Red whiskered Bulbul, which  I have never seen in my locality (Survey Park, Santoshpur)....
their Red vented cousins are quite  common here..
The bird probably landed here to take a bath in the pool of rain water..that has collected on the roof of my neighbour's house.
the bird plunged into the pool from a branch...and  I plunged  from the bed to bring my camera  as  fast  as  i  could...
My mom was terrified to find me running all  of  a  sudden.....i had no time to explain her.....but  when i finally  brought the camera, it was already too late. By  that time, the bulbul was preening itself and drying up....perched on a neem tree.
But  i  just  cudnt  afford to miss a  chance. I clicked a few  snaps,  of  which two turned out to be okay.
Sharing those shots of the Red-whiskered unexpected guest.

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