Tuesday, May 18, 2010

[BirdPhotoIndia] Tree Duck or Lesser Whistling Duck

Tree Duck or Lesser Whistling Duck on 18th May 2010 at Dibrugarh, Assam.


Wikipedia says the:

"It nests in tree holes, old nests of other birds, or on a stick platform near the ground, and lays 6-12 eggs."


Personally I have never seen their nests in this tea estate. One usually sees pairs of them either sitting on the same tree or adjacent trees for about 2-3 weeks before they move to the water bodies nearby. So I think, at least in the case of this tea estate, they are just taking a break after forming pairs and they probably nest near the water bodies. Quite shy and not easily approachable and they also have a very good camouflage for melting into the shade trees. Usually photography is possible because, when alarmed, they have the habit of flying off and circling back to roughly the same spot for perching.


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