Friday, May 7, 2010

[BirdPhotoIndia] Trip report of Kewzing,South Sikkim

Hi all,
Made a short birding trip at Kewzing, South Sikkim with Delhi-based  renound birder, Nikhil Devasar and his two British friends. It is a very good birding spot with an excellent view of Kanchendzungha range.I met them at Chewang Bonpo's( birder,guide) residence at Kewzing  at morning. It was very foggy morning and raining also,so decided to stay at hotel. After one hour we ultimately decieded to start birding in nearby area though it was raining like shower. It was not a day for bird photography but only for bird watching. We were all wearing  rain coat and thin wind cheater. Left our cameras at hotel and kept only binoculars with us. Birded one hour at Kewzing. Here we sighted Green-backed Tit, Whiskered Yuhinia,Grey-chinned Minivet, Red-billed Leothrix, Little Pied Flycatcher, Grey-winged Blackbird, Great Barbet( 6 no in a tree), etc. After that we gone to Mt. Nurshing Resort campus near Ravangla. Here we sighted Orange-flanked Bush Robin, Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush, Rufous-breasted Accentor etc. After taking lunch at kewzing we headed for nearby Sangacholing Monastery. The monastery campus and its backside is a good birding spot.Here we sighted Orange-bellied Leaf Bird, Scarlet Minivet, Dark-throated Thrush, Blue-capped Rock Thrush, Fire-breasted Flowerpecker.Though it was very cloudy, we birded well.
In attached picture this raptor was seen at Mt. Nurshing Resort campus near Ravangla. Looks like Booted Eagle, please confirm. Another is Rufous-breasted Accentor shot also there when perching on the road and it was lifer for other members.
The birds we sighted on that day are as follows:


  1. Grey-winged Blackbird
  2. Great Barbet
  3. Black-throated Tit
  4. Green-backed Tit
  5. Black-chinned Tit
  6. Rufous Sibia
  7. Verditer Flycatcher
  8. Booted Eagle
  9. Fire-breasted Flowerpecker
  10. Rufous-breasted Accentor
  11. Grey Bushchat
  12. Orange-bellied Leafbird
  13. Scarlet Minivet
  14. Oriental Turtle Dove
  15. White-tailed Nuthatch
  16. Ashy-throated Warbler
  17. Blue-capped Rock Thrush
  18. Blue-fronted Redstart
  19. Red-vented Bulbul
  20. Russet Sparrow
  21. Eurasian Tree Sparrow
  22. Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush
  23. Grey Treepie
  24. White-throated Fantail
  25. Grey-hooded Warbler
  26. Red-billed Leothrix
  27. Dark-throated Thrush
  28. Eurasian Cuckoo
  29. Common Hawk Cuckoo(only call)
  30. Orange-flanked Bush Robin
  31. Grey-chinned Minivet
  32. Spotted Dove
  33. Black Drongo
  34. Little Pied Flycatcher
  35. Whiskered Yuhinia
  36. Common Iora(only call)
  37. Black Bulbul
Subhasis Roy

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1 comment:

Tim Inskipp said...

The raptor is not a Booted Eagle - that would have more parallel-sided wings and a pale area on the inner primaries, not on the outer primaries as shown in this bird. It is a buzzard of some sort and difficult to identify from these photos. The long wings and indistinct pale area on primaries suggest Long-legged - Upland would typically have a larger and cleaner area of white on the primaries.