Sunday, May 16, 2010

[BirdPhotoIndia] Walk in the Tea Garden: Eurasian Cuckoo (Hepatic)

Eurasian Cuckoo (Hepatic) on 17th May 2010 at Dibrugarh, Assam.


The sun is finally out and I went for a 45 minute walk in the Tea Garden. Things have changed since I last went. The warblers and grey-backed shrikes have vanished and the monsoon birds are here. The list of birds I saw today are as below:


Spangled Drongo

Great Tit

Black-hooded Oriole

Common Mynah

Jungle Mynah

Hill Mynah

Chestnut-tailed Starling

Eurasian Cuckoo (hepatic)

Blue-throated Barbet

Asian Koel

Large Cuckooshrike

Common Tailorbird

Yellow-footed Green Pigeon

Jungle Crow

Asian Barred Owlet

Lesser Whistling Duck on their tree perches

Oriental Magpie Robin

Spotted Owlet


Loved the walk after such a long time. This Cuckoo grabbed an insect in front of me and proceeded to bang it against the trunk and gobbled it up. Relatively bold till a pair of BH Orioles chased it away. It was a pleasure watching this bird.



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