Monday, June 7, 2010

(delhibirdpix) Greater Flamingos | Ajmer


Spent a couple of days (3rd and 4th June 2010) in Ajmer. We were staying right next to the Anna Sagar, the lake around which the city is built. Despite being absolutely filthy, and stinky as hell, it did provide habitat to c300 (that's the lower estimate) Greater Flamingos, apart from plenty of Black-winged Stilts, Coots, Little Grebes, Little/Media Egets and some Spot-billed Ducks. A lone Green Sandpiper was also seen flying amongst the garbage.

Also, a few Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters over the lake and around it, Plain Martins, lots of Wire-tailed Swallows, and a lone Grey Heron were of note. Our guest house had quite a few Dusky Crag Martins, though I couldn't figure out where they were roosting. But I did see a large number of House Swifts roosting at about 8 PM in one of the domes at the Dargah Sharif (sp?). I have never seen them when they are not on the wing, so this was pretty cool. Do they nest at this time of the year? There was the difference in the color of the walls where the Swifts were hanging and the ones immediately around them, but it was too dark for me to make out whether if it was a nest or just the paint peeling off (or something like that).

Lastly, it was pleasing to see so many Rollers enroute, especially between Rewari and Jaipur.

Attaching a photo of the largest of the three flamingo flocks, as seen from right outside our room :-)

Ramit Singal

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