Saturday, June 12, 2010

(delhibirdpix) Plumbeous Water Redstart - Fledgling

Common Name : Plumbeous Water Redstart (Fledgling)


Scientific name: Rhyacornis fuliginosa fuliginosa

Status in the Region: Common & Resident 


Place: Mall Road, Nainital city, Uttaranchal state, India  alt.approx: 1700 mts


Site Habitat: It seems that this Juvenile was raised by its parents in a small drain and were feeding it, oblivious of the huge crowd of people passing at a touching distance on the busy Mall road in Nainital Town (a popular hill station)….


Date:  29th May 2010

Equipment: Canon 40 D with Canon 100-400 mm IS lens



The parental care in birds is quite remarkable. After the eggs are hatched, the parent birds feed the young ones non-stop and literally make them independent in a matter of just a few days. This is very important to their survival as they are constantly vulnerable from the myriad predators when young, hence they need to grow rapidly. Correspondingly the fledglings too have developed the instinct of begging in a way that ensures a non-stop supply.

The intense colour in their mouth signals the parent bird to feed them and triggers their parental instinct. It also perhaps improves the accuracy or speed of food delivery in the darkened (surrounding) environment. The intensity of this colour changes according to the need. The gape size too inflates during this period to accommodate large food particles (fruits, insects etc)… some garnivorous / frugivorous birds the food is supplemented with insects to provide the required proteins. I too have observed all this while studying the breeding ecology of larks. Here the fledgling of Plumbeous Water Redstart is signaling its hunger by showing off the orange in its mouth :-) 


For the groups which don't allow is the link to the photograph...



References: click here ....




Adesh Shivkar

Mumbai, India

I Believe In God, Only spell It Nature
One should not have a job, career or profession- only a hobby, passion and a cause

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