Monday, July 12, 2010

(delhibirdpix) Basai and Sultanpur Flats on 11th July, 2010

If you want to read more weekend birding highlights, here comes another one for Sunday Birding that Chandrima, Rita, Vinod Thomas, Pankaj and I did at Basai and Sultanpur flats.
First things first - Basai is looking lovely with water in the fields on either side and several of the visitor birds having overstayed their visa.
Also, the path to courser area was completely unmotorable despite so many heroics by Pankaj. Hence no Coursers in the list.
But overall flats are a great sight with a mix of freshly ploughed as well as fallow fields and the overall greenery around.
Nesting activity of Baya Weavers was a delight to watch at flats.
Overall a very pleasant birding morning replete with all the lip smacking pasta and aloo paratha and idlis, Mango Shake et al.
Complete list of Birds spotted is here. Those who were there yesterday, please feel free to update. I might have missed some.
  1. Pied-Crested Cuckoo
  2. Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon
  3. Pied Bushchat (Male and Female)
  4. Silverbills
  5. Green Bee eater
  6. Blue-Cheeked Bee eater
  7. Blue-Tailed Bee eater
  8. Wire-Tailed Swallow
  9. Red-Rumped Swallow
  10. Plain Martin
  11. House Swift
  12. Pheasant-Tailed Jacanas (They are all over the place)
  13. Green Sandpiper
  14. Wood Sandpiper
  15. Marsh Sandpiper
  16. Spotted Redshank
  17. Ruff
  18. Indian Roller
  19. White Throated Kingfisher
  20. Pied Kingfisher
  21. Zitting Cisticola
  22. Sarus Crane (Pair)
  23. Grey Heron
  24. Pond Heron
  25. Grey Francolin
  26. Black Francolin
  27. Black-Winged Stilts (with juveniles)
  28. Comb Duck
  29. Spotbilled Duck
  30. Purple Swamphen
  31. Common Moorhen
  32. White Breasted Waterhen (At a nest high up on an Acacia tree)
  33. Cattle Egret
  34. Intermediate Egret
  35. Great Egret
  36. Crested Larks
  37. Bushlarks
  38. Ashy Prinia
  39. Plain Prinia
  40. Brown Rockchat
  41. White-Browed Wagtail
  42. Golden Oriole
  43. Greater Flamingoes
  44. Black Tailed Godwits (c200 approx)
  45. White-Throated Kingfisher
  46. Little Grebe in breeding Plumage (picture attached below)
  47. Little Cormorant
  48. Baya Weavers nesting
  49. Black-Breasted weaver
  50. Black Ibis
  51. Black-Headed Ibis
  52. Cormorant
  53. Eurasian Thicknee
  54. Black Kite
  55. Common Starling (Unconfirmed)
  56. Asian Pied Starling
  57. Common Myna
  58. Bank Myna
  59. Purple Sunbird
  60. Red Wattled Lapwing
  61. House sparrows
Happy Birding to all
Soma Ateesh

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