Saturday, July 24, 2010

(delhibirdpix) Centropus sinensis

this Greater Coucal (Centropus sinensis) is also one of my avian-neighbours...he visits my garden frequently, and searches for insects and lizards. The habitat in my locality is not at all favourable for Coucals, which prefer to live in places with good vegetation cover and thickets. There are only open grassy plots with low bushes and shrubs in my area. But still this pair of Coucals are inhabiting this area for the last two years. They seem to be perfectly at home. Its nice to listen to the deep booming calls of these birds in the morning and afternoons.
The Coucal family has recently raised two chicks. The chicks are growing fast and the parents are often seen feeding the young ones. The juveniles beg for food, and the parents bring different food items for the hungry babies. It will take a few more weeks before they can fend for themselves.
Shantanu : )

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