Thursday, July 22, 2010

(delhibirdpix) Dadri Wetlands-11 Jul 10-1

Date : 11 Jul 10
Location : Dadri Wetlands
Camera/Lens : Nikon D300. Nikon 500mm F4, VR.
Common Name : Asian Openbill
Scientific Name : Anastomus oscitans
Bird Family : CICONIIFORMES: Ciconiidae
Common Name : Sarus Crane
Scientific Name : Grus antigone
Bird Family : GRUIFORMES: Gruidae
Remarks : The openbill was seen at the new planned bird park on
the way to dadri. Just as you leave G Noida the forest on the left of the
main rd has been planned as the bird park. Seems to be a good place with
trees and marsh and a water body that is being made with a bund like


Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061

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