Sunday, September 12, 2010

(delhibirdpix) trip report mukhteshwar ,pangot and sat taal

Hi all -our trip report of these areas-

Mukhteshwar-pangot-sat –taal

Since Jan 2010 Sunita and I have been planning to visit this area – but for reasons best known to the divine forces it never materialized – tickts were bought bookings made and then they were cancelled for some reason or the other . so when Ajit asked if we were interested -Sunita and I jumped and agreed ,-Ritesh who wanted to go to the mountains accompanied us and by the end of the journey he was initiated into this wonderful Birding Hobby / Pastime
. All arrangements were done – then the torrential rains started and we were undecided whether to undertake the journey or not –when theguest house owners and some PWD officials informed us that landslides were cleared from the roads and bridges were repaired we decided to go – So on the 5th we drove up despite the heavy rain to break the jinxed trip

It was a memorable trip the scenic sights we saw we would not have experienced if the weather was fine.

On the way we saw torrents of rainwater like waterfalls gushing down the hills into the small drainlike streams ; places where constructed bridges had collapsed and repair was going on- small IRON BRIDGES were put at these points and there would be two policemen posted at the two ends allowing one vehicle to go at a time - when it had reached the other end of the bridge the next vehicle would start –we saw condensed fog rising up from the midst of the trees going up or drifting in the direction of the wind ---we met such foggy clouds on the way up and down the hilly mountainous roads –at such moments visibility was zero and the car would crawl –
Kudos to our driver who was excellent and had a lot of patience . At one point we were opposite another vehicle and neither was able to back because the road was narrow and curved – the drivers and the Good God saved the situation – both the drivers maneuvered a little and space was made for each to pass on .

Mukhteshwar was great considering it was looked after the by the govt dept --delicious allo parathas —Pangot was good the sprouted moong salad we still remember and Sat taal stay in the swiss tents was an experience to remember—at all these places food was excellent-
After many , many years saw a huge rainbow nearly half kilometer wide arc—unfortunately could not get it completely on the camera as the trees came in between .

Nature was kind ---at night it would pour with the roar of thunder and flashes of lightening --and during the day it was cloudy- the result was that while birding we never got exhausted and we had instructed the driver to be close by –in case it rained we would hop in –Sunita was familiar with the trails at Sat taal and Mukhteswar and our guide at Pangot took us to a couple of trails there where we saw the Koklass.

As Ajit had tele lens he took shots of birds which came out real good b and considering the light conditions they are excellent -- since my camera has limited fearures I took as well as I cud of the birds and concentrated on the landscape which was breath taking --

Our check list ::-
1-scaly breasted munia
2-silver bills
3-grey wag tail
4-white wagtail
5-house sparrow
6—flower pecker –always wanted to see
7-rufous sibia
8-whiskered yuhina
9-white browed shrike babbler-- 10—blue winged minla – lovely bird
11--red billed leothrix –another lovey bird--
12—jungle babbler
13--large grey babbler
14 – white throated laughing thrush
15—chestnut crowned laughing thrush
16 – streaked laughing thrush
17--upland pipit
18—humes warbler
19—grey hooded warbler
20---golden spectacled warbler
21—common tailor bird
22—plain prinia
23—striated prina
24—oriental white eye
25—zitting cisticola
26—ashy bulbul
27—black bulbul
28-- Red vented bulbul
29 --himalyan bulbul
30—wire tailed swallow
31—house martin
32—black lored tit
33—black throated tit
34—spot winged tit
35—great tit
36—green backed tit
37—rufous vented tit
38—white tailed nut hatch
39—chestnut bellied nithatch
40—eurasian tree creeper
41 – bar tailed tree creeper
42---pied bushchat
43—common myna
44—asian pied starling
45—brown rock chat
46—grey bush chat
47—spotted forktail
48—golden bush robin
49 – grey headed canary fly catcher
51—rufous bellied niltava
52—ultramarine fly catcher
53—asian brown flycatcher
54—dark sided flycatcher
55—blue capped rock thrush
56—chestnut bellied rock thrush
57—blue whistling thrush
58—black drongo
59—ashy drongo
60—long tailed minivetr
61—scarlet minivet
62—white browed fantail
63—house crow
64—large billed crow
65—eurasian jay
66—black headed jay
67—red billed blue magpie
68—rufous treepie
69—grey tree pie
70—long tailed shrike
71—painted stork
72---black headed ibis
73—pond heron
74-grey heron
75—little egret
76---cattle egret
77—great egret
78-Little grebe
79-black kite
80- Little cormorant
81—changeable hawk
83—bonnelis eagle
84—black shouldered kite
85—red wattled lapwing
86—white breasted water hen
88---wedge tailed green pigeon
89—blue rock pigeon
90—oriental turtle dove
91—spotted dove
92—eurasian collared dove
93--emerald dove
94—slaty headed parakeet
95--Common rose ringed parakeet
97—eurasian cuckoo
98—green bee eater
99—blue tailed bee eater
100—common kingfisher
101 ---white throated king fisher
103-indian roller
104—grey hornbill
105—blue throated barbet
106—great barbet
107---brown fronted woodpecker
108--- grey headed woodpecker
109—himalayan woodpecker
110—rufous bellied woodpecker
111—fulvous breasted woodpecker
112—speckled piculet –saw it 3-4times at diffent places
115---grey francolin
116---yellow breasted green finch
Company was good and we had a pleasant delightful time together – cheers --chandrima

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