Saturday, April 23, 2011

(delhibirdpix) A Bit Upside of a Huge Downside

The heavy rains gave us the bird watchers another great year to enjoy the birds - record numbers were seen.

The Man has, however, played against the nature and tried to destroy it - almost 3/4th of the area is now built upon or the construction is on. This leaves only a very limited area for the birds - so one sees everything bunched together.

This morning - earlier than most times I have reached there - produced a great site near a small 'watering hole' of 5 Pairs of Sarus. They continued to put a display of calling - one pair after another though the dance eluded.

Here is one such pair.

The Migratories are almost all gone except for a bunch of Garganey, who are gathering together to fly back in a flock.

Usuals are all there - Storks, led by a family of 5 Black-Neckeds. The youngsters are doing well under the watchful eyes of at least one parent nearby. Herons, Cormorants, Spot-bills, some Combducks, Jacanas, Moorhens - Purple and Common and a few waders. Missing are Munias though Weavers seem to be gathering strength with the wheat fields now under harvest.

Good show by Red-Headed Buntings.


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353, Sector 15A
NOIDA 201301
+ 91 98182 61909
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