Saturday, April 16, 2011

(delhibirdpix) The Migratory Birds of Prey - # 12.07 - Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) - 2011-106

Made a visit to OBP on 14th.

Highlight was sighting of an Osprey on one of the perches placed this season - only wish the forest department has listened to the suggestion and put these about 20-25 meters from the bund road and not about 100+ meters.

Is it not late for the bird to be found here ?

Warblers, Munia and other smaller Passerines are becoming harder and harder to spot and photograph.
Munias, Silverbills, Weavers, Prinia were so friendly at OBP, have surely found other greener pastures. No munias - red, scaly or silverbill, two Baya Weavers, one Black-breasted or Streaked Weaver.

Here is an Osprey.


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Canon 1D M4 + 800mm

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