Wednesday, May 25, 2011

[BirdPhotoIndia] Spotted Forktail-1

       We were returning from Chopta to our camp. At one point, our bird guide, Mr.Negi halted our vehicle near a small waterfall to search for Little Forktail.When we did not find any, we looked at the other side of the road where this stream was falling to a much much lower level on plastic and garbage strewn boulders. There suddenly we noticed a Spotted Forktail moving around.We tried to capture it but it was very far.So we left that spot half-hearted and continued our journey.Within a short distance, there was another little stream and to our utter surprise and joy, we found another Spotted Forktail sitting on a rocky shelf there. It was neither in a hurry nor was shy. It was busy preening itself. Though there were some grass and reed obstructing it to some extent, we could see it for a long time.So with a very happy heart, we returned to our camp in the evening.
Shot near Guptakashi,Uttarakhand,India on 10th April'11.

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