Saturday, May 21, 2011

(delhibirdpix) Indian & Little Cormorant - A Comparison

Common Name : Indian Cormorant & Little Cormorant

Scientific name: Phalacrocorax fuscicollis & Phalacrocorax niger

Status in the Region: Both are common and co-exist with very wide distribution 

Place: Indian Cormorant (Jamnagar, Gujarat) & Little Cormorant (Kaziranga NP, Assam)  

Site Habitat: Along waterbodies….

Date:  Indian Cormorant (28th Mar'10) Little Cormorant (2nd Jan'11)

Equipment: Canon 40 D with Canon 100-400 mm IS lens


The Liitle & Indian cormorants 
are so similar in appearance, yet they co-exist and are generally common in many places. Hence they are often confused between each other or just passed off as "cormorants" by many birders (or simply Little cormorants) instead of attempting to narrow down on specific ID. Hence we do not see Indian Cormorants featured in many trip reports…. I have attempted to point out those differences (Pictorial) that separate them out in non-breeding plumage….

Though, it will take some time to practice this and separate these species on field…. I hope this will be of some help to the ones who are new to birding.... 

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Adesh Shivkar
Mumbai, India

I Believe In God, Only spell It Nature
One should not have a job, career or profession- only a hobby, passion and a cause

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