Sunday, May 29, 2011

(delhibirdpix) Matanhale Wetland on 29th May 2011

Matanhale wetland (near Bhindawas lake) on 29 May 2011


Sunny, hot weather…

Baya Weavers busy in making their nests on the trees while the Streaked Weavers flitting in groups low over the reed beds…Without complaining against human beings for insensitive cutting of the reed patches to be used for their thatched roofs, some have been burnt to make way for the new fodder – at a few places smoke can still be seen.


While enjoying the graceful landing of a Black-necked Stork from the sky into the jheel where 3 were already fishing, I startled a Black Bittern, silent like a mystic's prayers – flew over the reeds for over 100 meters to hide inside.


Painted and Woolly-necked Storks peacefully searching their food, a few Openbills in their usual habitats. Glossy Ibises foraging; numerous Spot-billed Ducks and impressive population of Lesser Whistling-Ducks.  Presence of  Pheasant-tailed Jacanas and Purple Swamphens giving the jheel a festive look.


Other usual species.



Suresh C Sharma
Sonepat, Haryana

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