Monday, August 29, 2011

(delhibirdpix) Fwd: Bhatti Mines !!!!

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From: Pradeep Sanga <>
Date: Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 10:49 PM
Subject: Bhatti Mines !!!!

Dear Friends, 
                   Am putting up this report of the visit to Bhatti mines on 27th Aug (after lot of prodding by SP ). Well the place has become a favourite of many since we all started visiting it from last year . The visit was really very fruitful with more than 60 birds sighted within a span of 2-3 hours( my favourite being the Small Minivet). All met at Chatarpur temple at sharp 0630 hrs and were on the move. Reached in no time on location. The mandatory tea from Col P Sandhir was really refreshing to start the day's birding. The first were the Streaked weavers at the reeds on the waterbody nearby. then the count & excitment mounted as we all entered the main area. Vehicles could go only to a certain point and then it was a great trek onwards ( Specially in this heat ), lead by Col Sandhir & SP.n Were really happy to see the Larks , Blue tailed Bee eaters, purple sun birds, prinias, tailor birds, drongos, sparrows, hoopoes, long tailed Shrikes and a pair of Shikras. Then the birds started coming like rain. The Raptors litrally attacked us in hoards. The Shikras, Black winged kites, Oriential honey buzzard, White eyed buzzard a& their juvinille, black kite and a lovely sight of a couple of Egyptian vultures. My Fav was the Black winged Kite showing its hunting antics for all to enjoy and the fearless juv oriential white eyed. 
                  The Baya weavers in their hoards were concentrated on the palm trees present in the area, The greater coucal making a brief shy appearence, the lovely sound of the Black frankolin and the Shirkeer Malkaha ( SP's find). Never seen so many Hoopoes concentrated at one place. And then spotted the funny looking birds hovering in the air , confirmed by all as the Brown headed Gulls. Common , Rosy and pied starlings gave their sighting very often. The only place where I have seen all the weavers togehter ie. Black Breasted, streaked & Baya. The Jungle bush Quail and the Barred button quails were all excitment. the others were:

European Rollers 
Indian Rollers.
green & blue tailed bee eaters.
Chestnut shouldered Petronias
RW Lapwing
Grey Francolins
Pied crested & Common hawk Cuckoo's
WT kingfisher.
Black Francolin.

                  All were really tired after the long walk and decided to head back towards BREAKFAST.

                 After a well deserved hearty Breakfast at the Officers Mess half the team took leave due to various commitments and the few left resumed their efforts. these really bore more fruits in the form of More :

White Eyed Buzzards
European rollers
Grey Francolins
A Beautiful flock of SIND & house sparrows
Pied crested cuckoo's very close
and a hoard of butterflies. Many Tawny coasters, Eggflies, All the FIVE Pansies found in Delhi, Plain & Striped Tigers , common evening brown and castors, Common and tiny grass yellows, Common lime and Mormon's, Common and rounde Pieeeots, Yellow & White Small common orange tips. As per the expertise of SP Bhatti mines has the most amazing Butterfly diversity. 
                The day was really great . Will be exceeding the limit, so apologies in advance !


Lt Col Pradeep Sangwan

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