Monday, October 31, 2011

Re: (delhibirdpix) Fwd: Thrush ..... Tickell's at Sultanpur 30-12-2011

Dear friends .....
I am attaching two more pictures .........wherein the light was playing ...  if they may aid the ..... discussion !!
One more fact ..... there were two of them .... together .... on the ground ..... a pair of sorts ... !!


CA M.S.Srinivas
On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 9:03 AM, Kanwar B Singh <> wrote:
Here's the pic uploaded by Srinivas on Indian Birds
I agree with Bill. This bird is clearly first winter male of Dark-throated Thrush - heavy pale fringing on blackish throat and breast, pale tips on wing coverts etc. The Tickell's is a more slightly built bird with thinner and paler beak.

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 8:16 AM, Surya Prakash <> wrote:
Dear Gautam I observed the bird for 20 minutes on Saturday afternoon with two local knowledgeable guides of SNP and was fully convinced for Tickell's unfortunately I couldn't take a photo.I rather guided Anand & Pankaj also on Sunday about the location of the bird in the park.After reading Bill's view I got confused and presumed that Bill might be right.
Good to note that what I identified as Tickell's Thrush is the correct id supported by Adesh,AMS You.

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 11:37 PM, gautam surya <> wrote:
Hello people,

Contrary to what Bill said on the group, Nitu and I are convinced that these birds were Tickell's - AMS agrees as well (and apparently Adesh too). I saw some postings on the Indian Birds facebook group calling these birds Dark-throated (following Bill), and just wanted to make sure we don't spread misinformation - there's quite enough that creeps into that facebook group already! Hence ccing SP and KB on this also.

As for the actual id - bill apart (and the benighted bird's bill seemed to change colour every time it moved), the following are all features that point to Tickell's Thrush: size (smaller than an American Robin, which I've seen tens of thousands of times), strong eyering, darker ear-coverts than the rest of the head, very strong malar stripe with weaker breast spotting, strong buff wash to breast and flanks with no streaking below the breast spotting, overall dark brown-buff upperparts, buff lower end of submoustachial stripe. There isn't anything aside from the bill colour that indicates Dark-throated, as far as I can tell.


To: Delhibirdpix <>
Cc:; Nitu.S <>; gautam surya <>
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 12:35 PM
Subject: (delhibirdpix) Fwd: Thrush ..... Tickell's at Sultanpur 30-12-2011

Pics of the Tickell's Thrush (F) taken at Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary .... Haryana on 30th Oct,2011


CA M.S.Srinivas

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Surya Prakash, Ph.D. ( Zoology)
Room # 219 C.C.I.F.
School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110067
Phone (Work) 26704184

Kanwar B Singh
New Delhi, India

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