Saturday, December 31, 2011

[BirdPhotoIndia] Brown-headed Gull & Whiskered Tern between Malancha & Sarberia area

         Brown-headed Gull & Whiskered Tern at Malancha-Sarberia area along Basanti Road in South 24 Parganas, West Bengal
         on the last day of 2011. Birds' list resulted from almost a day's birding includes Waders like Spotted Redshanks, Common
         Green Shanks, Marsh Sandpipers, Wood Sandpipers, Pacific Golden Plover (single), Little Ringed Plovers, Temminck's Stints
          & Common Sandpipers spotted in the shallow fishery ponds. Common Coots, Gadwalls & Little Grebes added colour to the
         list. Other birds like Grey Herons, Burn Swallows with Little & Intermediate Egrets appeared in between.
         Wishing a happy & prosperous 2012.
         Srikumar Bose 

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