Tuesday, January 22, 2013

(delhibirdpix) Yamuna Khadar-Near Wazirabad-Birders

Cold morning about 25 birders gathered at the Gurdwara, Some had reached Yamuna Khadar directly early morning.
We stared at the Jagatpur village road and were rewarded by three River lapwings, The Gulls had moved out as a boat was in middle of the river. The usyal birds were seen, sand lark, crested, and skylarks, common sandpiper, Wagtails citrine, white and yellow were seen. Moving along the river bank we were rewarded with the sight of Plovers-Kentish and Little ringed. 

Further down near the reads the White tailed stonechat gave a run to the photographers and then decided to pose for the birders to take as many photos they wanted. He has been seen in this area on all the visits. The Rufous Tailed shrike was missing so was the greenshank and avocets. A number of Ruddy Shelducks much less than what was seen last Sunday. The gulls were spotted at the IP power house-approx 1500.

On the return along the bank while seeing the plovers the highlight was a lone Dunlin seen among the plovers. A lot os excitement and photographs taken.We then proceed to the final Red Crested Pochard point. They were all there-40 of them, some Gadwals, and two Pochard Ferruginous, Caspian gull being chased by the black Kite. Four kites chasing the gull with a fish in its beak. The Gull got away with its expertise in flying. 

Followed by the Fooding. 


Date : 20Jan 2013            
Location :

Yamuna Khadar-Near Wazirabad

Camera Camera D800. Lens Nikon 500mm F4, VR.
Common Name : Dunlin 
Scientific Name
Calidris alpina CHARADRIIFORMES: Scolopacidae      
Remarks :A lone Dunlin seen in a flock of Plovers Kentish and Little Ringed. Marshy soil on the river bank

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061

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