Thursday, June 27, 2013

[BirdPhotoIndia] Re: Large-billed Leaf Warbler | Coastal West Bengal

Same image as before. A closer crop to highlight the features of the head region and in particular, the bill - which I felt showed well here. 
Acc. to Pamela Rasmussen - "bill has pale cutting edges and dark lower mandible with small basal patch and pale tip". Grimskipp also mentions more pronounced hooked tip of the bill. 
Arka S

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Arka Sarkar <> wrote:
Large-billed Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus magnirostris
I believe that this bird much commoner in our area than generally thought, but often overlooked.
Henry's Island. Coastal West Bengal, India
14th April, 2013
Arka S

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