Tuesday, August 6, 2013

(delhibirdpix) Dadri Wetland, UP-India-Grassbird flying

Date : 04 Aug 2013                           
Location :      Dadri Wetland, UP-India
Camera Camera D800. Lens Nikon 500mm F4, VR.
Common Name : Bristled Grassbird 
Scientific Name : Chaetornis striata  PASSERIFORMES: Sylviidae
Remarks :

Sunday 4 Aug 2013. Seven of us turned up at Amity school on time and 0600 we were off to Surajpur to check out the Bristled Grassbird and listen to his/her songs. We were not disapppointed.

The Golden Oriole was the first to be seen followed by the usual birds at Surajpur-Night heron, Roller, Painted stork, purple swamp hen, Purple Subnbird, Yellow Footed green Pigeon, Weaver Black Breasted, prinia Plain, Zitting, etc . The Sarus was missing on this trip.
The grass bird was in full form and gave a classic display and song in the clear blue sky-with the humidity high and the sun  with all its power made us sweat it out on the short walk. Having reached our Lakshya of hearing the grass bird, we went off to dadri wet land were most of the birding is from the car. Dadri threw up the biggest surprise. Three locations were the Bristled grass bird was seen. Three nestings, first time seen three nestings in dadri. Normally one or max two. In one dya we managed to see 4 locations. Vineeta manged to get a photo from the car with the grass bird sitting on the fence pole
Just 8-10 ft away. A great day of birding. This was followed by the Black headed Munias, Blue tailed Bee eaters, Silverbills. Larks, Indian Spotted eagle. Lesser whistleing, grebe, pied Starling, black breasted Weavers, prinia, 
Breakfast as usual with a variety of food-

A great trip


Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi (Retd)
PH 011-26491538
FAX 011-26490105
Mob 9810134504

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