Wednesday, January 22, 2014

(delhibirdpix) Village Dighal, District Jhajjar, Haryana

Date : 05 Jan 14                          
Location : Village Dighal, District Jhajjar, Haryana
Camera Camera D800. Lens Nikon 500 mm, VR.
Common Name : Spot billed Duck  
Scientific Name : Anas poecilorhyncha ANSERIFORMES: Anatidae

Common Name : Godwit Black-tailed 
Scientific Name : Limosa limosa  CHARADRIIFORMES: Scolopacidae   

Remarks : An interesting fact of the Godwit
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It was shown in 2007 to undertake the longest non-stop flight of any bird. Birds in New Zealand were tagged and tracked by satellite to the Yellow Sea in China. According to Dr. Clive Minton (Australasian Wader Studies Group) "The distance between these two locations is 9,575 kilometres (5,950 mi), but the actual track flown by the bird was 11,026 kilometres (6,851 mi). This was the longest known non-stop flight of any bird. The flight took approximately nine days. At least three other Bar-tailed Godwits also appear to have reached the Yellow Sea after non-stop flights from New Zealand.

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061
Wingco: Bird Photographs

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