Saturday, September 27, 2014

(delhibirdpix) New Wetland at GREATER NOIDA - Hindustan Times Story

A new wetland was discovered by Delhi Birders - WingCo Seth, Dr. Gupta, Ms. Vineeta Dixit, Ms. Savitri Singh and Yours Truly
on May 31, 2014 - a total of 16 trips have been made by us to this wetlands since and the tally of Bird Species seen stands at
133 Today with winter migration yet to take place.

This is also home to definitely 77 Sarus Crane and more.  We have seen so far 4 live Nests and hatching of 7 Chicks (seen
by us some and the rest by local villagers). Surely, we have missed some but may be next season we would discover more.

This is going to be some good fun this winter.

Hindustan Times has done a special and is available at
A screen capture is attached.

Be prepared to help me save this area.


Anand Arya
353, Sector 15A
NOIDA 201301
+ 91 98182 61909

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