Saturday, October 4, 2014

(delhibirdpix) Fwd: OBITUARY - DADRI WETLANDS

Hon'ble Shri Narendra Modi
Prime Minister of India
New Delhi.


It is with a heavy heart that I have written an Obituary - my first and hope it is the last
in the expectation that the Rest of Wetlands would be saved and I would not be called upon
to write another Obituary.

Sir, I have already brought to your attention that MOEF, Central Wetland Regulatory Authority
and the Government of Uttar Pradesh DID NOT DO AN HONEST JOB OF DECLARING AND
PROTECTING WETLANDS. (Ref My E-mail of September 28, 2014 citing two Wetlands
in Greater Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar district of U.P. that have not been declared wetlands 
and are slated for destruction).

Sir, I humbly request you to take cognisance and take action to punish the guilty,
especially those responsible for not recognising Dadri Wetlands as Wetlands, not 
Protecting the Wetland and being in Collusion with the Vested Interests. Let the 
official not give you the advice that the matter is sub-judice.


Anand Arya
A Samanya Nagrik
A Bird Watcher
A Bird Photographer
A Nature Lover

Begin forwarded message:

From: Anand Arya <>
Date: 4 October 2014 4:04:26 PM IST

It is with a heavy heart that I write the Obituary of one my best Birding and Photographing
Destination -  DADRI WETLANDS, a Wetland that had been on the Maps of Survey of India 
since early 20th Century.

Discovered on 17th February 2007 as one of the most vibrant Birding Destinations for all
the year round, it lies today completely dry -  not a single drop of water any where in the whole
area and not a Waterfowl.

This morning found just one Migratory Terrestrial Bird - Common Stonechat ( A male
and A Female).  No Waterfowl at all - Migratory or Resident.  No Blackbucks. No Blue Bulls.
Just a few Larks.

Dadri Wetland became a victim of Human Greed, Construction Lobby and a so called
Philanthropy Mission - a University. Ansals and Nadars are the perpetrators of this 
Crime against the Birds, Wild Life and Environment.

Dadri Wetlands was a Wetland that abounded with Birds all through the year - 209
Species Recorded in 172 Visits and in 2010 Winter over 100000 Birds made Dadri Wetlands
their Home.  The last Exotic Species seen was Lesser Florican.  It was home to the
State Bird of U.P. -  Sarus Crane that fed here, bred here and Danced here.

Dadri Wetlands gave me some Images that I am quite proud of.  I dedicate three such 
images to the memory of  the Wetland.

It was not that we did not make efforts to Save Dadri Wetlands.  MOEF was shown a Video
and the then Minister did intervene but was pathetic in getting anything done. A Case was filed 
with National Green Tribunal that stayed construction but the orders were flouted.
In its recent judgement, National Green Tribunal held that Dadri Wetland existed in
over 72 ha but has been encroached upon  and the area left is less than 32 ha now.
Hopefully, NGT would order restoration and if it does not, I would approach the
Supreme Court for Restoring the Wetland as it existed till 2008 when the encroachments

R. I. P - Dadri Wetlands - May You Set An Example So We May Save Other Wetlands.
Rest assured - one man who can do something - the Prime Minister of India  - is being 
made aware of your demise.

R.I.P. Dadri Wetlands - Discovered 20007.02.17 and Lost 2014.10.04

Anand Arya
353, Sector 15A
NOIDA 201301
+ 91 98182 61909
"This is a copyrighted image. Not to be used for any purpose without prior permission."

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