Hi everyone!
As the sun ascended over the horizon, 20 birders neatly assembled at the central jheel at Surajpur. It was my first visit to this area and I wondered what wonders awaited us as we made our way to the waterbody.
Dozens of Northern Shovellors seemed to have recently awaken from their slumber and they could be seen spread out throughout the lake. Eurasian Widgeons, Common Teal, Gadwall were all engrossed in getting breakfast as they upended frantically. A couple of Red Rumped Swallows flew swiftly past when we noticed a Black Necked Stork that was studying us from a safe distance.
Several small groups of Black Tailed Godwits-identified by their disproportionately long bills-gave us gracious flypasts when we decided to probe deeper into wilderness. There was a surprisingly high density of Common Chiffchaffs in the lake-side trees...many of them uttered their soft "teee" call as we walked past. It was also nice to see a handsome male Tufted Duck leading a group of females alongside several Bar Headed Geese!
Excitement spread amongst our group when a large raptor was spotted on distant tree stump. It was quickly identified as a Greater Spotted Eagle. As we explored a nearby grassland, I got a lifer in the form of a Bengal Bushlark that flew directly over us and uttered its distinctive call. Also seen nearby was an adult male Bluethroat that called a few harsh notes before diving into the undergrowth.
Soon we found ourselves on the other side of the central jheel and could spot a lot of tiny birds in the sky....some Plain Martins and a couple of Barn Swallows. The "peeu..peeu...peeu" call of Striated Babblers could be heard from the reeds and they even showed themselves for a minute or two.
As the sun began to get stronger in the sky, raptors gained confidence and took to the sky. It started off with an Indian Spotted Eagle being chased by a Shikra. Next up were several Oriental Honey Buzzards that kept shutterbugs busy. These were followed up by a Long Legged Buzzard and a Greater Spotted Eagle that soared lazily high up in the sky!
By now Wooly Necked Storks were soaring as well and we could spot about a dozen of them as we approached the parking lot. What followed next was a sumptuous breakfast of sandwiches, Idli sambhar all washed down with multiple cups of tea!
Had a great time today with 75+ species spotted and a lifer for me
Happy Birding,
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