Dhanauri Wetland had almost dried up but is a Wetland with water
in a pretty large part though not in as much area as last year.
It came from the Irrigation Canals/Channels but who released it
is not clear - amy be it is an annual feature that the Wetland gets
it water at this time of the year when water is released for irrigating
the agricultural area around the Wetland. Or, it could a result of
the pressure of NGT Order and the follow-up letters asking the
State of U.P. to comply with the order of NGT that mandated the
'status quo' of the Wetland (I had written a couple of letters mentioning
that the 'zone of influence' was blocked and might be in contempt of
the NGT Order. Villagers reported a few 'Lal Batti' vehicles visiting
the area recently.
SARUS CRANES were happy to have their Wetland back and were
enjoying. See the video link:
Surely, you all want the area to be a formal 'Sanctuary for Sarus'.
Therefore, please sign the petition if you have not done so and also
ask your mailing lists/groups/social media/twitter/facebook/whatsapp
and so on to sign. The petition is at link
I would be needing these when we file a PIL in Supreme Court in July/August
for declaring the area as a Sanctuary for Sarus Crane.
The visit this morning was great birding. Had planned to be at the Wetland around 06.15
but then rather than taking the straight drive to it, decided to go via various canals and
Parsaul looking for Weavers in particular.
Was a correct decision. Soon as the rural area started, the birds were there.
Water in most fields. Egret, Herons in their breeding colours. Weaver busy
making nests, males chasing the females.
Got the Black-Breasted and then the Baya Weavers.
Parsaul was a bit dull though water is there (not in the main tank).
Dhanauri was thriving - about 40 Sarus Cranes enjoying themselves.
Pheasant-Tailed Jacanas permitting you to come close. Two species
of Sandpipers (I would have to refresh my memory for correct id.).
Comb Ducks, Whistling Teals a plenty. All usuals.
Egrets in breeding.
Alas, one will now have to restrict oneself to tracks and the road and not
drive around like we have been doing for the last few months with the
Wetland dry. I did get close for some shot - doing the macho thing,
driving in 4x4 and zipping through a few wet area.
We plan to have more fun on Sunday. Would post the walk separately.
Got some dozen images as keepers (out of nearly a thousand).
Here is a Portrait of Sarus Crane.
Anand Arya
353, Sector 15A
NOIDA 201301
+ 91 98182 61909
"This is a copyrighted image. Not to be used for any purpose without prior permission."
Canon 7D M2 + 800mm

353, Sector 15A
NOIDA 201301
+ 91 98182 61909
"This is a copyrighted image. Not to be used for any purpose without prior permission."
Canon 7D M2 + 800mm

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