Monday, July 20, 2015

(delhibirdpix) Darter Chicks

On 16 Jul Anand and I decided to visit Kosy Kalan-Chatta and Sursarovar bird park. Chatta and Sursarovar for the Heronry and Kosy Kalan to check the state of the water body-and the likely winter birding location. The night stay at Sursarovar and then return by evening to Delhi
We started at 0730 hrs on a very humid and calm morning, hoping that it will rain during the day and make it easy for the birding.
He trip to Kosy was a disappointment. Baring three Sarus, Indian Robin, the Pied Cuckoo fly past, some cormorants. The water body had plenty of water and as per the locals the winter brings in a large no of birds. This was a first visit to Kosy in the summer. All earlier trips have been in the winter. A trip in Jun to Chatta was done to see the Heronry in the local village pond.
On the return stopped for the Kachory which with Anand would be difficult to pass. 
Drove to Chatta. The heronry with Cattle egret, Great Egret, Grey Heron, Cormorants. The nesting was much less than what we expected. The water level was high, close approach was not possible. 
The humidity and the heat made it difficult to stay in the open and after a short stay we decided to get into the comfort of the car with Ac going full blast.
We made our way to Sursarovar- rested a while and made our way to the lake to take a boat to see the heronry. A this cloud cover kept us safe from the direct Sun which in the present humidity would have been near to impossible. In spite of the cloud cover the heat and humidity was tiring us.
The heronry was spread out on the island but limited to a few species-Egret great, Heron Grey, Cattle Egret, Intermediate egret, Cormorant, Darter, Black Crowned Night heron, Black headed Ibis nesting. The painted stork , Spoonbill, open bill etc were missing.
By 6 pm we were ready to give up and decided that the non ac rooms would not be PK for the night, and decided to get back to Delhi via the Taj Express way.

A visit with the weather a little better would be worth to the bird park and a winter visit to Kosy would be good. Some images

Date : 16 Jul 15                      
Location : Sursarovar Bird Park, UP
Camera Camera D800. Lens Nikon 500 mm, VR.
Common Name : Darter or Snake Bird 
Scientific Name : Anhinga melanogaster  PELECANIFORMES: Anhingidae
Remarks : My very first sighting of the Darter chicks

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061
Wingco: Bird Photographs

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