Sunday, April 24, 2011

(delhibirdpix) Birding in Kolkata

Hello all,
I made a brief visit to Kolkata during which I managed to visit Kalikapur on the morning of 21st April - courtesy Kshounish. A pair of Cinnamon Bitterns flew past just as we crossed the bamboo bridge. We spent over an hour during which the Black-browed Reed Warbler and Rusty-rumped Warbler (both lifers for me) made brief appearances after much cajoling. I have very poor record shots of both, which I shan't post to spare my birding colleagues!  I went back on my own the next morning and found the same birds except the bitterns. This was followed by a visit to CKBS and Shyamkhola. It had poured the previous evening so CKBS/Shyamkhola were wet and misty and almost bird-less. Except one bare tree at CKBS which had six different birds sitting on it - Stork-billed Kingfisher, Blue-throated Barbet, Greater Flameback, Streak-throated Woodpecker, Rose-ringed Parakeets and Red-vented Bulbuls. Later, in my wanderings, found an Emerald Dove, a pair of White-eyes, Black-hooded Oriole and a Spotted Dove. Three Greater Flamebacks were having a great chase under the canopy of the tall trees at the gate. One Asian Koel seemed to have a soar throat but was still croaking away!
At Kalikapur, we also saw the following:
Ruddy-breasted Crake (image attached)
Painted Snipe male (image attached)
Blyth's Reed Warblers
Plain Prinia
Ziting Cisticola
Paddyfield Pipit
and various other common birds, amongst which the Asian Pied Starlings were giving great displays.
Happy Birding!

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