Sunday, August 28, 2011

(delhibirdpix) Birding at Lodi Gardens

My decision to visit Lodi Gardens this morning turned out to be a fruitful one. This was perhaps my best day of birding at this city park till date.
After spotting the usual denizens(Hornbills,Green pigeons, Barbets etc.) I heard the call of a Greenish Warbler. Then, at the lake a Kingfisher made its presence felt and even posed on a nearby branch. There was a group of 3-4 Cormorants in the water but I didn't pay much heed to them.
Swimming inconspicuously at a corner of the lake was a small duck that I still haven't been able to put a name to. I shall be putting the pics up for ID. Now I made my way back to the main area of the lake to find 10-15 Cormorants swimming together in a tightly synchronized flock. Closer inspection revealed that these were Indian Cormorants with their breeding plumage shining in he sun. what was amazing was that the birds were comfortably fishing just a few meters away from a frequented walking track....morning walkers were stopping in their tracks to admire these fine specimens at such close range.
I have never before seen Indian Cormorants in this area...i guess they flew in from the nearby Delhi Zoo where they breed.


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