Tuesday, May 4, 2010

(delhibirdpix) The Commoners - # 78.01 - Steaked Weaver (Ploceus manyar) - 2010-120

Used to see a lot of Weavers, Munias etc at OBP and at very close
range. No Longer.

It was, therefore, a very pleasant surprise to see thousands of
Weavers on the ground and in sky as I approached the Hasanpur Wetlands
(40 Kms or so East of Delhi) early morning as the Sun was comign up.

These delighted thoroughly.


Anand Arya
353, Sector 15A
NOIDA 201301
+ 91 98182 61909
"This is a copyrighted image. Not to be used for any purpose without
prior permission."
Canon 1DsM3 + 800mm

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