Tuesday, May 4, 2010

(delhibirdpix) Green-tailed Sunbird

Common Name : Green-tailed Sunbird


Scientific name: Aethopyga nipalensis 

Status in the Region: Common & Resident 


Place: Lama Camp, Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Arunachal Pradesh,  alt.approx: 2000 mts


Site Habitat: Degraded tropical evergreen Broadleaved Forest with dense secondary undergrowth….


Date:  6th April 2010

Equipment: Canon 40 D with Canon 100-400 mm IS lens



This brightly coloured Green-tailed Sunbird (Aethopyga nipalensis) is one of the most common and inquisitive species we encountered in Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary. At the onset of summer they become very vocal, hence their presence is felt throughout. It is the first bird to respond to the calls of Collard Owlet and attracts all other small birds to mob the intruder (a scene, which is regular in these parts).  This species was first cataloged by Hodgson (1836) and like many Toponyms (after the place where a taxon was discovered), he extensively used, this species was also labeled as "nipalensis" (1st collected from Nepal)…..


I couldn't find the origin of the word "Sunbird", but the name probably originated because most male sunbirds have brilliant iridescent metallic plumage that can only be appreciated in good Sunlight…. Quite surprisingly though, the common name of Green-tailed is often debated as the tail is blue rather than green…. I wonder who gave such confusing common names, but I learned later that this is the case for many sunbirds across the 132 species found in the World  :-)


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References: click here ....











Adesh Shivkar

Mumbai, India




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