Monday, May 3, 2010

(delhibirdpix) Mrs. Gould's Sunbird

Name: Mrs. Gould's Sunbird
Place: Near Lama Camp, Eaglenest WLS, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Altitude: 2000 - 2200 Mtrs.
Equipment: Canon 400D, 100-400 IS Lens
One of the many colorful birds from North-East India. Four Sunbird species are seen in Eaglenest WLS, Green-tailed, Mrs. Gould's, Fire-tailed and Black-throated. Green-tailed being the most common of them, others are not so common. I always wondered why the name of Sunbird is "Mrs. Gould's Sunbird", so I searched on Internet and found this very interesting information;

"In 1827, the Zoological Society of London received a collection of birds from the Himalayas. The society's Curator, famous ornithologist, John Gould, who stuffed and mounted them and published "A Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains". His wife Elizabeth, an accomplished lithographer, did the illustrations. One of the new Sunbird species was named in her honor: Mrs. Gould's Sunbird.
Mrs. Gould produced over 600 lithographs of John Gould's illustrations. Mrs. Gould passed away at age 37, she never saw "her" sunbird in the wild!"

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Warm Regards

Mandar Khadilkar

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