Sunday, July 18, 2010

(delhibirdpix) Bassai- 18th July

It was my 3rd visit in search of Flamingos with my friends but in vain . I paid 5 vists in Aravali Biodiversity Park in 2004 to locate Eurasian Eagle Owl scanned the area even in at 1 pm in june with Dr. M.Shah Hussain went down in deep caves also but found at last in my 6th visit. So dear Flamingos I will find you all for sure one day but till that I am satisfied with these commoners.

Surya Prakash, Ph.D. ( Zoology)
Room # 219 C.C.I.F.
School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110067
Phone (Work) 26704184

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