Tuesday, May 10, 2011

[BirdPhotoIndia] Persian Shearwater

Shearwaters are wanderers of the oceans, breeding mostly in the southern hemishpere. Gracefully flying just over the waves they appear to shear water with their wing tips as they bank in flight, giving them their name.
They are also referred to as "tube noses" after another distinguishing feature. Their long bill which is slightly hooked on the tip with two nostrils ending double tubes at the base of upper mandible. These birds which spend most of their time on the wing over the sea use these tubes to expel excess salt.
All shearwaters have brown heads, back and upperwings; color of underparts, beak and feet usually distinguish species.

Here a Persian Shearwater (Puffinus persicus ), distinguished by its longer bill and not very sharp face-throat contrast
Shot on a pelagic, off the coast of Kannur, Kerala. April, 2011

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