Sunday, May 15, 2011

(delhibirdpix) Bhindawas on 15th May 2011

Birding Bhindawas 15th May 2011


Highlights: Indian Spotted Eagle on nest, 15 Greater Painted Snipes, 4 Black-necked Storks, Barred Buttonquails and a Punjab Raven (Separate note follows first sighting of the Raven from Bhindawas and within the Delhi Area after a long gap).


Hot sunny weather, vast acreage of farmland scorched black… after harvesting wheat, the leftover (phans/straw) is burnt by the farmers as a cost effective and time saving device but life damaging as this is the peak season for nesting birds  and their nests, chicks get burnt.. many trees also withered.


Luckily the Indian Spotted Eagle, possibly female sitting on her nest, Spot-billed Duck proudly leading her dozen some chicks in the small water pond at Sampla, not bothered by the vehicular traffic nearby. A bold Green Bee-eater dived down on a road crossing mongoose. Barred Buttonquail crossed the road ahead of the car… a pair in the roadside grassy patch, gave a decent view until a biker rode past blowing the horn many times.


A Shikra waiting patiently on a neem tree branch and suddenly alighting down to catch a small bat. A Rose-ringed Parakeet succeeded in scaring away a Monitor Lizard from the nesting tree.


Water level quite down at Bhindawas, at least 15 Greater Painted Snipes (5 in one patch, 7 in other and 3 in third) ..but too far for my camera. Numerous Purple Swamphens, Common Moorhens but concentration of Spot-billed Ducks was spectacular. A few Glossy Ibises and several Black-headed ones. Two Woolly-necked Stork alighted. An Oriental Honey Buzzard soaring overhead despite the hot weather.


Four Black-necked Storks and impressive concentration of Black-winged Stilts. Cheerful Citrine Wagtails in good numbers. Spotted Owlet pair with new young members of the family on the peelu tree.



Suresh C Sharma

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