Thursday, May 5, 2011

(delhibirdpix) The Commoners - # 44.59 - Sarus Crane (Grus antigone) - 2011-138

"The Flame is brightest just before extinguishing", so goes a saying. Possibly fits the Dadri Wetlands today. The resident birds, like resident birder aka yours truly - seem to be having the bright flamingt of a time. The Migratory Birds - like many birders on whose wish list Dadri Wetlands is still high - would find a surprise when they are visiting the next season, i.e., no Dadri Wetlands.

Made a visit yesterday morning - cloudy, dusty, drizzle and therefore cool. Light was not perfect but good and the birds being co-operative to expose 20 Gigs.

The work of filling up the wetland with soil is in full swing and almost 60-70 % area is gone. Birds are, therefore, restricted to smaller areas.

The highlight was Sarus Cranes - 2+2+2+2 i.e. four pairs seen and all calling. Hopefully they would find the space for making a nest like they did the gone season and a chick was born here.

Alo four species of Storks - Blakc-Necked (the family of five), numerous Openbill, Woolly-necked and Painted with one Woolly-Necked possibly needing the services of a Ortho.

Ibises - Black, Black-Headed and Glossy - in pretty good number and most Glossy being Juveniles yet to show full iridescence. Cormorants, Herons & Egrets, some in breeding plumages.

Many Larks and Pipits. Limited number of Weavers (should have been thousands, as seen last year, especially if the food is main attraction - super crop of wheat taken all around and a lot of feed available on the ground after thrashing. Jacanans in good numbers. Zitting Cisticolas and Pied Bushchat in good numbers with their young. Black and Grey Francolins calling all the time.

Just one pair of Gargneys. Black-Tailed Godwits (100+), Spotted Redshank and Ruffs - some in handsome breeding plumages - showed up.

No raptors except a couple of Black-Shouldered Kites. Spotted Eagles of last week were no where to be seen.
Pied Kingfisher family seen on 28th was taking a break perhaps.

All in all had a good four hours of birding.


Anand Arya
353, Sector 15A
NOIDA 201301
+ 91 98182 61909
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Canon 1D M4 + 800mm

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