Monday, June 17, 2013

(delhibirdpix) Basai Wetland, Haryana-Bitterns

Date : 16 Jun 2013             
Location :
Basai Wetland, Haryana
Camera Camera D800. Lens  Nikon 500mm, VR.
Common Name : Cinnamon Bittern 
Scientific Name
Ixobrychus cinnamomeus  CICONIIFORMES: Ardeidae 
Remarks :
We made a trip to Basai to see the Bitterns and were rewarded with a few flypast by four Cinnamon Bitterns, one yellow Bittern and One Black-not too sure of this. Night Heron, Greater Painted Snipe, weavers, pipits, larks, Cttle Egrets in full breading Plumage, Stilts nesting in large numbers on both sides of the road, Jacana Pheasant Tailed about 10 in numbers, Purple Swamphen, White Breasted, Wire Tailed Swallow, Grey Francolin, etc. The highlight was the Sarus Crane. The Sarus nesting and to our surprise a chick the size of a chicken made its appearance next to the parent. There was only one sarus. The crane stood up after some time and we could see the egg-Now we had the sarus, the egg and one chick, this was followed by the second crane landing to join the fist one. A pretty sight. The second egg should hatch any day

Vijay Sethi

Wg Cdr Vijay K Sethi
Mob 9810134504
Off 26491520
Res 29536061

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