Sunday, October 27, 2013

(delhibirdpix) Desert Warbler--- Mukandpur --Chandigarh

The Desert Warbler (Sylvia nana) was first sighted last year by Mr. R. Das near Nepli entrance. it was a new record in our Chandigarh List. While out birding today at Mukandpur a village near Derabasi I came across the same species feeding on the ground on the edge of a Bajra field. Maps do not show occurrence of the species in Chandigarh region however with it being recorded consecutively two years in a row from different parts of the Chandigarh region it would be safe to say the species occurs here in winter as well.

The bird was  tolerant and obliged  by hopping onto a bush giving a fairly clear picture. All the features mentioned in my field guide i.e Rufous upper-tail and rump , lack of supercillium , white outer-tail feathers and straw coloured legs were diagnostic.


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