Friday, July 11, 2014

(delhibirdpix) ID help 2 - flycatcher

Hello all,

This bird was photographed ~ June 22, at roughly 700 metres elevation, just north of Roing (between Roing and Mayodia) in the Mishmi Hills, Eastern Arunachal Pradesh. I suspect that this is Hill Blue Flycatcher (Cyornis banyumas); the bill doesn't seem as long or as hooked as it should in Large Blue Flycatcher (Cyornis magnirostris) and the throat appears to be concolorous with the breast, but I would appreciate other people's thoughts (and also conformation that this isn't a badly lost Tickell's Blue Flycatcher). 
The song consisted of a few short, slightly metallic trilled notes, first ascending and then descending, often ending with a flycatcher-like 'tchrrt'; the exact pattern was very variable. This song, and other males, were also seen/heard from ~600-800 metres. No females were observed.
An individual with a slightly longer bill and paler throat was seen and photographed by someone else at ~1000 metres, singing a quite different song - three pure whistles, the first upslurred, the second flat, and the third downslurred, followed by a 'tchrrrt', each note beginning where the last left off. I hope to get my hands on those photos soon.

The same pattern was observed further east, in Lohit district, above Tezu - I was not able to see/photograph the higher-altitude individual, but the two song types were heard, and I was able to obtain photographs of the presumed Hill Blue Flycatcher singing the same song as the individual attached here. I will post those in a subsequent email.

Any thoughts would be helpful.


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