Tuesday, December 23, 2014

(delhibirdpix) The Migratory Non-Passerines - # 04.11 - Short-Eared Owl ( Asio flammeus) - 2014-390

Though I enjoy a walk in 'dense' fog when one cannot see one
hand from the other - it gets on my nerves that I cannot go
birding.  Monday plan had to be shelved as the fog did not lift
well into the afternoon.  Tuesday, as the first rays of Sun came out,
at 1100, I was ready to get out and drive to Dhanauri Kalan to look for the
Raptors that are delighting these days.

Not many Raptors (just got to see a Black-Shouldered Kite from close
up and a Long-Legged Buzzard from the distance in setting Sun).

In between, the delight was a co-operative but playful Short-Eared Owl
showing its Ears for a change (I think it is the first time I have seen it
with Ears showing).

When we drove in the territory, Prabhakar was quick to spot it sitting
just two meters away from our path even though he was on the away
side of the jalopy.  It gave good views, we took our time.  Jalopy in 4x4,
just rolling a few inches at a time, taking good 10-15 minutes to cover
10-15 metres (we had all the time to kill till dusk when Sarus would return to roost), 
getting Camera settings right, TC on,  light behind you, and lo and behold we are
full frame with the Bird who was quite aware that he would be shown on
photo-groups with global membership.  I can say it was co-operative and 
interested in getting photographed as it stayed with us till we left after
Sunset on the shortest day of the year.

Just cropped from sides (shot the frame inlandscape and not portrait orientation) 
and a bit from bottom for composition.  Looks scary when I blow it up to 20x20.

Still a 'Luddite', Sushmita, and thanks for adding a new word to my vocabulary.

Then, waited till Sun-Down for the 'Show of Sarus' - story another day.

Taken at Dhanauri Kalan, (50 KMs SSE of Delhi),
Grater Noida, U.P.,India on 23rd December 2014.

Apologies for exceeding dimensions.


Anand Arya
353, Sector 15A
NOIDA 201301
+ 91 98182 61909
"This is a copyrighted image. Not to be used for any purpose without prior permission."
Canon 1D M4 + 800mm + 14 TC (1456 mm)

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