Saturday, August 22, 2015

(delhibirdpix) Birding Sonepat on 22 Aug 2015

Birding highlights on 22 Aug 2015


Sonepat, partly cloudy, good breeze.


Waves of Rosy Starlings; Blythe's Warblers heard and seen in the acacia trees,  3 species of bitterns Yellow, Cinnamon and Black Bitterns; the last seen twice in flight; Sarus Crane happily sitting on the eggs (my both farmer friends with their women folks keeping a safe vigil for the protection of the nest, in the vicinity); another calling and dancing  pair seen about 4 kms this nesting pair; Lesser Whistling Teals, wintering sandpipers, Indian Spotted Eagle – one bird still calling form the nest, presumably a grown up baby while one of the parent birds encouraging him to leave the nest, perched on a lofty tree  20 meters away.


Indian Silverbills, singing Red Munias, Tricoloured and Spotted Munias as well; Black-breasted, Streaked and Baya weavers nesting – quite vociferous; Striated Babblers throwing their noisy bombs to an un-nervous  White-throated Kingfisher perched on a reed; Blue-cheeked and Green Bee-eaters, mating dragonflies 'in flight', tall grasses now looking more beautiful with their flowery heads (sadly, 3 poorly dressed men cutting the reeds along the water channel – I saw them last time also – devastation for grass nesting birds), on my polite and friendly appears they assured me that any thickets with nests will be spared.

Bengal Bushlark was raining his musical notes from his overhead flights, Black Francolins contributing their harsh notes to the orchestra.

Other commoner species.

Wish I could make a tree house in the vicinity.

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